I'm a lover, not a fighter
Beginners Guide to Pyromancer!!!
Hi all
Welcome to my beginners guide to my favorite variation of Tanya… Pyromancer!!!!
The purpose of this guide is to be a starting point for new players of this variation. The guide covers important strings, her special moves and some combos in the second post to get you started. This is a community guide, and is currently a work in progress so hopefully we will have videos and information provided by the Tanya community.
Enjoy your stay!!!
Pyromancer Overview
Pyromancer is one of the most unique and fun variations in the game. People often mistake Pyro as a pure zoning character where you can just sit back and play lame for long periods of time. This is not the case. Pyromancer is a get in / get out variation with zoning elements which often rewards erratic / unpredictable play.
The primary objective of Pyromancer is keep your opponent dusted as much as possible and follow up with fire based attacks for maximum damage. That is not as simple as it sounds - you will need to exploit your mobility and utilize all of your mix ups to keep your opponent guessing. Unfortunately, many of her mix up options are unsafe, so predictability is your enemy. Keep mixing it up, or things will become disastrous quickly. Fireballs are your friend, but once again, don’t get too predictable / over spam them as they can be easily avoided. Pyromancer is extremely meter dependent for damaging combos and armor options, so good meter management is a must!
Pyromancer has some of the lowest combo damage in the game. Dust setups are critical as they lead to maximum damage. When an opponent is dusted, they will usually play more cautiously which can be used to your advantage. All of your combo strings should end with dust, or if dusted, end with a fire based move for max damage.
Overall, Pyromancer is a really fun variation – so give her a try!!!
Pyromancer... the good, the bad and the ugly...
B31 - This string hits low, high and you will be using it a lot. It is safe on block and special cancelable. Dust is safe on block unless armored through. B31 EX Fireball is completely safe.
B312 - Pyromancers solitary variation specific string. It hits low, high, mid and the final hit is a fire attack. Due to the fire property, it does extra damage on dusted opponents – a hefty 23%. This string has a gap that can be easily be punished or back dashed out of so do not get too predictable with it. If people start back dashing you, mix in B313 which cannot be back dashed out of (though it is unsafe). This is your best ender to use in combos where your opponent is dusted. You can mix it up with B31 to bait armor and then do B312 immediately after. This works well with people that are armor happy (eg Reptile and Sub Zero)
F2 - A quick advancing mid with long range. It hits twice and is safe on block. Cancelling into dust and EX fireball is safe against block and most armored moves. Due to its extended range, F2 into dust is your best ender in your EX Tele combos when your opponent has popped up far away.
112 - A quick hitting string that hits high, high, mid, mid. It uses her t-rex arms, so it is not particularly useful outside close range punishing. Do not use this as an ender as the last hit usually whiffs unless you are in the corner. You can use it with dust or EX Fireball safely on block or against most armored moves.
2U3 - This move is very unsafe popup which hits high/mid. The follow up window is tight and easy to whiff. It is generally safer to use other options but it can be good on jump in
24 - This string hits high, high, mid. It is safe on block and special cancelable. It has better range than 112 and is only 2 frames slower. This is your best combo ender into dust if the opponent is close. You can use it with Dust or EX Fireball safely.
34 - This move hits high, mid, high and was formerly everyone’s favorite ending string. Unfortunately 34’s cancel window and damage was stealth nerfed in the last patch, so you can no longer do 34 dust as an ender in your dust setup combos. It has limited uses and you have better options.
F3 - A slow overhead move that can be charged for a popup or dash canceled out of. The uncharged version is safe on block and worth throwing out occasionally. The charged version has a long startup and is punishable. If you do manage to get one out, you can follow with F2, ex tele or ex drill to combo. Given the long charge time, it is best used sparingly or in the corner.
DF1 - Tanya’s fireball hits mid and have significant advantage on hit. The fireball travels in an arc and can be ducked by most characters from ½ to ¾ screen so you cannot just stay back and spam them. They are safe on block from mid screen - full against most of the cast.
Her EX Fireball is great. Fast, straight and eats up all projectiles in the game apart from Sub Zero's EX Iceball and Ferra Toss (which all cancel each other out). They have good recovery, hit mid and cannot be ducked under. They knock down on hit and do a whopping 20% on dusted opponents.
DB1 - Tanya’s high fireball hits mid and is a decent AA option. It has a good startup speed and travels in a high arc. These have terrible recovery and are very unsafe against grounded opponents, so use with caution or you will be heavily punished.
The EX version is the same as DF1
(Air) DF1/DB1 - These are Tanya's two air fireball options. Air DB1 hits close and the DF1 option hits far away. Both fireballs hit mid and travel in an arc, so it is important that you know where your opponent is before throwing one out. Air fireballs have terrible recovery. Tanya stays in the air for quite a long time and does a small jump up after the fireball has been thrown. This move can be death against characters with teleport attacks or those with an instant air projectile so be careful. You can sometimes use these like a poor man’s Kitana float to keep above certain characters ground attacks. If you are IAing them, use DF1 as it covers more range. You will frequently see Pyromancer players abusing back tele into air fireball to play keep away and frustrate opponents – get used to doing this!
EX throws two fireballs at different trajectories and can be ok to use at times if you are wanting to control some space. Generally though, you have better things to blow your meter on.
DF2 - Dust is an advancing mid which adds a debuff on hit and is the most important move in your arsenal. This is Pyromancer’s most threatening move and sets you up for your biggest damage. Dust causes your next fire based attack do significantly more damage and is abusable against most of the cast. Your combos should always end with this move unless your opponent is already dusted. If a dusted opponent blocks our next fire based move, they will be damaged for a minimum of 6% damage. Dusted opponents tend to play more carefully, exploit this by going in for the throw and throwing a fireball after. If the opponent blocks the fireball, they will re an extra 6% for a total 18% damage, if your fireball hits, thy will receive an extra 17% damage, for a total of 29%!!!
EX Dust has to be one of the best moves in the game. It is safe, has armor and is a great wakeup option. This is one of the main moves that will eat your meter.
DB3/DF3 - Tanya’s formerly infamous teleport. On the ground, the teleport has a quick upwards diagonal movement and covers about half screen. DB3 will teleport you backwards and DF3 will teleport you forwards. DF3 can be used to tele behind the opponent at sweep distance. Both teleports are cancellable into mixups and air normals (including njp) and are great for shenanigans. These can be delayed by holding 3 or cancelled by pressing DD.
EX DF3 is one of your best popup options to cancel in to. This hits high and you can cancel into all of your aerial moves INCLUDING air teleport after the popup. Get used to doing EX DB3, jk, DB3, njp as you will be using it a lot! Note that EX tele cannot be cancelled or delayed.
(Air) DB3/DF3 - Another important move. When used in the air, DB3/DF3 will teleport you horizontally back/forward respectively. This move is an important one and you will use it a lot to play keep away or get in quickly. As with her ground teleports, she has all of her aerial options available to her. You can play lame every now and then by air teleporting back and throwing fireball to frustrate your opponent and get them to make a mistake. These can be used very effectively as an instant air to get out of tight situation. Fireballs after IA teleport have a great trajectory and catch out many quick advancing moves.
BF4 - Drill kick is a high risk low. It is very unsafe on block and highly punishable. It goes under many projectiles and can catch people out at mid-range and is also a decent anti-air option. You can cancel into it as a mix up with your normal strings. Do not get predictable with this move or you will get punished.
The EX version is great as it has one hit of armor and it pops up. It is best used in combos, but it is also a decent wakeup option. It is highly punishable on block.
DB4 - Flip kick is quick move that strikes overhead. You can use it randomly as a mid-range overhead mixup. Be careful, it is highly punishable – so don’t get predictable.
The EX version has armor and has a second hit for extra damage.
(Air) DF4/DB4 - DF4 is an overhead Air Drill and DB4 is a low hitting Air Flip Kick. These are used as aerial mix ups. Both moves are very unsafe and should be used sparingly. Air DF4 has quite a fast start up. You can use it on jump backs when your opponent is conditioned to your back tele and starts letting go of block early. Air DB4 makes a loud noise before it comes and is slow and has terrible recovery. The only positive is that it hits low so people will not always expect it.
These moves are so unsafe and the reward is so small that they should only be dragged out occasionally to remind your opponent that you have aerial mix up options.
X-Ray - Tanya’s Xray must be done in the air. It is fairly ordinary as far as X-Rays go and often whiffs. She has better things to use her meter on so don’t bother unless it will end the match.
Tips and Tricks (Coming Soon!!)
Combos in post 2!!!

Hi all
Welcome to my beginners guide to my favorite variation of Tanya… Pyromancer!!!!
The purpose of this guide is to be a starting point for new players of this variation. The guide covers important strings, her special moves and some combos in the second post to get you started. This is a community guide, and is currently a work in progress so hopefully we will have videos and information provided by the Tanya community.
Enjoy your stay!!!
Pyromancer Overview
Pyromancer is one of the most unique and fun variations in the game. People often mistake Pyro as a pure zoning character where you can just sit back and play lame for long periods of time. This is not the case. Pyromancer is a get in / get out variation with zoning elements which often rewards erratic / unpredictable play.
The primary objective of Pyromancer is keep your opponent dusted as much as possible and follow up with fire based attacks for maximum damage. That is not as simple as it sounds - you will need to exploit your mobility and utilize all of your mix ups to keep your opponent guessing. Unfortunately, many of her mix up options are unsafe, so predictability is your enemy. Keep mixing it up, or things will become disastrous quickly. Fireballs are your friend, but once again, don’t get too predictable / over spam them as they can be easily avoided. Pyromancer is extremely meter dependent for damaging combos and armor options, so good meter management is a must!
Pyromancer has some of the lowest combo damage in the game. Dust setups are critical as they lead to maximum damage. When an opponent is dusted, they will usually play more cautiously which can be used to your advantage. All of your combo strings should end with dust, or if dusted, end with a fire based move for max damage.
Overall, Pyromancer is a really fun variation – so give her a try!!!
Pyromancer... the good, the bad and the ugly...
- Great Mobility
- EX Dust is one of the best moves in the game
- Decent chip damage on dusted opponents
- Dust leads to good head games
- Lots of mixups
- Great armored moves
- Good wakeup options
- Hard to keep cornered
- Underused variation, so you can exploit gimmicks
- Worst damage in the game
- Most of her options are unsafe
- Has difficulties with characters with teleport attacks or good air control
- High risk/low reward
- Heavily meter reliant
- Only one variation string so she is reliant on default strings
- Most vulnerable to universal nerfs
- Lack of non EX practical popups
- Once people know her game, it can be an uphill battle
B31 - This string hits low, high and you will be using it a lot. It is safe on block and special cancelable. Dust is safe on block unless armored through. B31 EX Fireball is completely safe.
B312 - Pyromancers solitary variation specific string. It hits low, high, mid and the final hit is a fire attack. Due to the fire property, it does extra damage on dusted opponents – a hefty 23%. This string has a gap that can be easily be punished or back dashed out of so do not get too predictable with it. If people start back dashing you, mix in B313 which cannot be back dashed out of (though it is unsafe). This is your best ender to use in combos where your opponent is dusted. You can mix it up with B31 to bait armor and then do B312 immediately after. This works well with people that are armor happy (eg Reptile and Sub Zero)
F2 - A quick advancing mid with long range. It hits twice and is safe on block. Cancelling into dust and EX fireball is safe against block and most armored moves. Due to its extended range, F2 into dust is your best ender in your EX Tele combos when your opponent has popped up far away.
112 - A quick hitting string that hits high, high, mid, mid. It uses her t-rex arms, so it is not particularly useful outside close range punishing. Do not use this as an ender as the last hit usually whiffs unless you are in the corner. You can use it with dust or EX Fireball safely on block or against most armored moves.
2U3 - This move is very unsafe popup which hits high/mid. The follow up window is tight and easy to whiff. It is generally safer to use other options but it can be good on jump in
24 - This string hits high, high, mid. It is safe on block and special cancelable. It has better range than 112 and is only 2 frames slower. This is your best combo ender into dust if the opponent is close. You can use it with Dust or EX Fireball safely.
34 - This move hits high, mid, high and was formerly everyone’s favorite ending string. Unfortunately 34’s cancel window and damage was stealth nerfed in the last patch, so you can no longer do 34 dust as an ender in your dust setup combos. It has limited uses and you have better options.
F3 - A slow overhead move that can be charged for a popup or dash canceled out of. The uncharged version is safe on block and worth throwing out occasionally. The charged version has a long startup and is punishable. If you do manage to get one out, you can follow with F2, ex tele or ex drill to combo. Given the long charge time, it is best used sparingly or in the corner.
DF1 - Tanya’s fireball hits mid and have significant advantage on hit. The fireball travels in an arc and can be ducked by most characters from ½ to ¾ screen so you cannot just stay back and spam them. They are safe on block from mid screen - full against most of the cast.
Her EX Fireball is great. Fast, straight and eats up all projectiles in the game apart from Sub Zero's EX Iceball and Ferra Toss (which all cancel each other out). They have good recovery, hit mid and cannot be ducked under. They knock down on hit and do a whopping 20% on dusted opponents.
DB1 - Tanya’s high fireball hits mid and is a decent AA option. It has a good startup speed and travels in a high arc. These have terrible recovery and are very unsafe against grounded opponents, so use with caution or you will be heavily punished.
The EX version is the same as DF1
(Air) DF1/DB1 - These are Tanya's two air fireball options. Air DB1 hits close and the DF1 option hits far away. Both fireballs hit mid and travel in an arc, so it is important that you know where your opponent is before throwing one out. Air fireballs have terrible recovery. Tanya stays in the air for quite a long time and does a small jump up after the fireball has been thrown. This move can be death against characters with teleport attacks or those with an instant air projectile so be careful. You can sometimes use these like a poor man’s Kitana float to keep above certain characters ground attacks. If you are IAing them, use DF1 as it covers more range. You will frequently see Pyromancer players abusing back tele into air fireball to play keep away and frustrate opponents – get used to doing this!
EX throws two fireballs at different trajectories and can be ok to use at times if you are wanting to control some space. Generally though, you have better things to blow your meter on.
DF2 - Dust is an advancing mid which adds a debuff on hit and is the most important move in your arsenal. This is Pyromancer’s most threatening move and sets you up for your biggest damage. Dust causes your next fire based attack do significantly more damage and is abusable against most of the cast. Your combos should always end with this move unless your opponent is already dusted. If a dusted opponent blocks our next fire based move, they will be damaged for a minimum of 6% damage. Dusted opponents tend to play more carefully, exploit this by going in for the throw and throwing a fireball after. If the opponent blocks the fireball, they will re an extra 6% for a total 18% damage, if your fireball hits, thy will receive an extra 17% damage, for a total of 29%!!!
EX Dust has to be one of the best moves in the game. It is safe, has armor and is a great wakeup option. This is one of the main moves that will eat your meter.
DB3/DF3 - Tanya’s formerly infamous teleport. On the ground, the teleport has a quick upwards diagonal movement and covers about half screen. DB3 will teleport you backwards and DF3 will teleport you forwards. DF3 can be used to tele behind the opponent at sweep distance. Both teleports are cancellable into mixups and air normals (including njp) and are great for shenanigans. These can be delayed by holding 3 or cancelled by pressing DD.
EX DF3 is one of your best popup options to cancel in to. This hits high and you can cancel into all of your aerial moves INCLUDING air teleport after the popup. Get used to doing EX DB3, jk, DB3, njp as you will be using it a lot! Note that EX tele cannot be cancelled or delayed.
(Air) DB3/DF3 - Another important move. When used in the air, DB3/DF3 will teleport you horizontally back/forward respectively. This move is an important one and you will use it a lot to play keep away or get in quickly. As with her ground teleports, she has all of her aerial options available to her. You can play lame every now and then by air teleporting back and throwing fireball to frustrate your opponent and get them to make a mistake. These can be used very effectively as an instant air to get out of tight situation. Fireballs after IA teleport have a great trajectory and catch out many quick advancing moves.
BF4 - Drill kick is a high risk low. It is very unsafe on block and highly punishable. It goes under many projectiles and can catch people out at mid-range and is also a decent anti-air option. You can cancel into it as a mix up with your normal strings. Do not get predictable with this move or you will get punished.
The EX version is great as it has one hit of armor and it pops up. It is best used in combos, but it is also a decent wakeup option. It is highly punishable on block.
DB4 - Flip kick is quick move that strikes overhead. You can use it randomly as a mid-range overhead mixup. Be careful, it is highly punishable – so don’t get predictable.
The EX version has armor and has a second hit for extra damage.
(Air) DF4/DB4 - DF4 is an overhead Air Drill and DB4 is a low hitting Air Flip Kick. These are used as aerial mix ups. Both moves are very unsafe and should be used sparingly. Air DF4 has quite a fast start up. You can use it on jump backs when your opponent is conditioned to your back tele and starts letting go of block early. Air DB4 makes a loud noise before it comes and is slow and has terrible recovery. The only positive is that it hits low so people will not always expect it.
These moves are so unsafe and the reward is so small that they should only be dragged out occasionally to remind your opponent that you have aerial mix up options.
X-Ray - Tanya’s Xray must be done in the air. It is fairly ordinary as far as X-Rays go and often whiffs. She has better things to use her meter on so don’t bother unless it will end the match.
Tips and Tricks (Coming Soon!!)
Combos in post 2!!!
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