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Been wanting to get into UMK3

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
UMK3 is one of those games I always played as a kid but never really PLAYED. In sf series I was aware of advanced tech but I never was aware of any advanced stuff in UMK3. For the last few years though I always see random matches of top players and it looks damn fun. So I've been wanting to get in to it.
I'm not really part of any scene and doubt I will find people to play with in person. Do people play this online? How hard is this to pick up at a somewhat advanced level?
which version do I play? I have the collection on xbox...is that legit?

Thanks in advance.


Lose without excuses
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Easy to pick up hard to master. If you want to become as good as the top players, you're in for a loooong journey. Especially since not many people still play this game regularly. By long journey I mean years. I'd say just play to have fun and try and learn as much as you can on the forums, and research match videos and look on ultimatmk.com in the strategy guides.
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I have the mkak but barely play it. If anybody has it and wants to play online add me. I haven't found anybody that will play it offline and doubt I will anytime soon. Btw, I'm a total scrub. I'll play any of them, but the most I have played is umk3.