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Question Batgirl's best anti air/wakeup

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Sitting at work, bored as hell and wondered what you guys thought her best anti airs and wakeups are.

He D2 seems like it has a decent hitbox but felt slow.

As far as wakeup's, I know you can get serious damage with DF2, but I was wondering about BF3 since it's +1.

Anyone have the answers?


Her d2 is 9 frames. That's actually one of the fastest d2s in the game. Not everyone can have Aquaman's d2.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
did some testing there using a double f3 knockdown and GLs mingun.....

*flying bat is her best wakeup up invincibility frames wise,
*bat wheel being the 2nd (invin frames dont cover the whole of the start up but most)
*and lastly the smoke bomb (invin frames on till off the screen but not when re-appear)

anti-air wise, flying bat seems like the go to one since its 6 frames but havnt tested out the hitbox/hurtbox on it.
bat wheel does pretty ok as anti-air aswell. normal wise id say d2 or j1/j2

also her d3 seems to make alot of chars j1/j2s whiff....interesting ;)


Wonderful Woman
DF2 seems terrible as an AA, the hit-box on it is absolute garbage. From what I've played, her best AAs are d+2 (decent, gets stuffed or trades often though) and DB31.

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
Definitely D2. Was getting horrible lag yesterday and I could still anti air. Sign of a good AA.

Batryuken (I don't care what it's called this is what it should be called) is her better wake up imo.


*Supreme Member*
I been having a lot of success with db2 on wake-up if the enemy is in front. if they try to jump then you can evade 3 for df2.
I've been using batwheel for wake-ups and anti-air if I can time it right, gives me some space to throw out a few projectiles and a bola.
How was she free on knockdowns?
Imo, the combo of her 2 invincible reversals is basically the best wakeup in the game

and now that theyll always come out shel be even better on wakeup