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Tech - Bartitsu Bartitsu's guaranteed blockstring/hitconfirm in corner against the entire cast


The saltiest
Below here I will post a quick 30 second video of some Bartitsu tech I have found while messing around with Bartitsu's F212 string in the corner. I would like for you guys to focus entirely on the tech and not the combo/specials I am using. This could easily be replicated in many different ways and my video is just one of them. That is why I'm sharing this, so that someone out there can find the best possible, optimal, & awesome combo into the setup. So here it goes..
-CPU set on auto block
-CPU set to reversal ON
-Meaty Fart Cloud cancel off F212 string

The first combo, notice how I am able to jail a F2. Reason being is because of "fart cloud's" godlike active frames. Also F2 is 15 frames, which means any string/normal faster than that will also jail!

My second example is Bartitsu's best chip dmg string cancelled into Spinning Kane.

Have fun hit confirming or spinning that Kane!!

EDIT: Here are some further variations involving the same technique off of F212, inlcuding a MIDSCREEN!:eek:

Tagging players who have showed interest by posting in Bartitsu's threads!!
@Tom Brady
@Name v.5.0
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