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Background Bounce Ambiguous Cross-Ups


Regina George of discord
I did a little experimenting with the background bounces in Injustice, and I found some interesting stuff; by doing a combo into the background bounce, certain characters can actually use the hard knockdown for an ambiguous 50/50 in their forward+3's. Whether or not this is big tech is to be decided, but it's very useful on paper.

By letting the bounce ride out and the opponent fall to the ground, you can dash up to them* and in the frames before they get up, do an f.3. A slight delay or just a fraction of a step back causes most f.3's to not cross-up, making it hard to predict. In addition, depending where you are located and if you crossed up or not, you can turn this into a pseudo-vortex but not a true one.

The key is for characters that have advancing f.3's with a dynamic animation. Most of the ones that involve flips.

Characters who can utilize this:
Wonder Woman (lasso)
Harley Quinn

Characters who cannot do this (despite having an f.3 that fits the criteria)
Black Adam**

I suspect this has to do with the hitbox for these two. Although their f.3's can very much cross-up, I haven't been able to get them to hit; rather, they will simply pass over the opponent.

Against wake-ups, the opponent is forced to reverse their wake-up inputs in order to beat a cross-up (unless it's delayed to the small window where it will cross-up but not before a wake-up can occur).

For example: With Bane vs Deathstroke, if Bane goes for the f.3 there's a small window where Bane's f.3 will not cross-up before DS can sword flip in the same direction, but there's an even smaller window where neither hitbox/hurtbox collides with each other; leaving Deathstroke vulnerable for a full combo punish. (Was not tested with other characters.)

* In the animation between the opponent being bounced and coming back to the foreground, you can dash under them at least once (you can do it twice, three times if you're the Flash but he does not get this 50/50 from testing). This is good for reversing the directions and it does not affect the cross-up (though depending how far yours travels, you might need to do another dash to get in touching distance)

** It's possible Black Adam can replace the f.3 with his dive kicks. I have not successfully performed this however.

Credits to RYX since he is banned he asked me to post this.