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Attention Tournament Organizers: Contact Tyler Lansdown to Have The Krypt Unlocked on Stream Setups


Your hole is mine!
Oh I totally agree with that. I actually can see how you could come to that conclusion from my post though. I'm actually saying I think that the way the krypt works in this game altogether is a complete scam and it's my least favorite thing about the game. I think it's bullshit that it's been almost 4 months and there are people who are having trouble having everything unlocked in the first place. Not the owner's fault, it's the game's. You get very little coins over the course of time for your achievements, and the krypt rewards are expensive as hell. It's a very grueling and unpleasant experience, and I think it's meant to be on purpose so that you almost feel forced to pay $20 extra just to unlock all krypt content.
I just never think about the Krypt until I pick up a new character and unlock all their stuff, and by that time I've got about 150k coins anyway so I just go on a spending spree. I can see how it'd be annoying if you really want everything unlocked right this instant, but it's much easier my way. :DOGE


@Hollywood DMS well, pausing to see how the fatality is done is already embarassing.
Good to see Tyler do this, but is it a good idea to go public about it? Don't know.

Tim Static

Yes im serious. if you buy the krypt every profile will be good since the unlock info is in your console. but unlocking it the old way only does it for one profile. I unlocked the entire krypt on my profile but if my friend play the do not get the the unlocks. we had to unlock it on another profile and load it up through psn. Its actually bullshit and kinda scam worthy
Damn! @colt @tylerlansdown is it possible to fix this?

Is it a PS4 or MKX problem? Does it happen on XBone too?

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Had this taken care of. Stream setup should have everything possible unlocked. Next issue. Can we ban armored launchers?