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Attention all Badass PSN players!

I have alot of you already on buddies list but i want everyone on there! Plz add me if you will because i'd like to play the best of the best. So far the best players i've played on psn are yungnicca and AriaDelano. Send me a request and let's FIGHT! Thanks. PSN: Drewicide


I ain't no yung or aria but i'm down for some matches whenever i get the chance to pop online. I'll try to remember to add you tonight if I'm on.


thanks 4 not including lol. u were the 1st person i ever playd. it was about 4 months ago. i kno u remember haha.


Maybe ur mk2 friendslist will become as illustrious as mine one day. I have everyone important on it.

I just need r1 and frznsldr and btbb99 and that might be it
U name them, they're on my friendslist.

from davey to scrpangel
from kensi, dvd, yung, foozer, fusion, xman, dci, aria, to wario, vulcan, dookie, rdz, to mkluis, to outthere, to cuko xiong bros

Anyone i left out, please stand up!!!! lol

I even have like seven alt accounts on there

I can't add anymore, cause i've reached the limit.


GEM i don't no how we didn't play yet ...just send me a friend request the next time your on so we can play man ... i'm looking forward to it


no doubt, i'm afraid to dissapoint. I'm sure they'll be really fun though. :)


they definitly will be fun man..... don't be expecting to be playing someone like aria, wario, xiongbros,fusion, or any of the other great players cause i'm not on any of them guys level... i think can compete with anyone but not beat anyone so don't be expecting perfection on my side