Use this thread to ask question/s about Kratos, we don't need to make different threads to ask a question.
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Question: What kind of character is Kratos?
Answer: A tank-type: Very slow, but does a lot of damage. More technically, I would call him a Punisher/Counter-based/Gambler kind of character.
Q: What are the properties of his EX Hermes Dash and EX Parry?
A: Hermes Rush has armor and Argos Ram juggles on melee-hit, the projectile-parry sends out a larger, more damaging golden ball.
Q: Does the EX Parry work against wakeups?
A: On most wakeups, yes. The normal parry can counter whatever the EX version can, however.
Q: What is Kratos' infinite?
A: 2,1~HDC, 2,1~HDC, Repeat. Works only in the corner, and is a "to-the-frame" kind of infinite, like Kabal's 2~NDC block-infinite.
Q: What is the best option for Kratos after he is knocked down in the corner?
A: Hermes Flash Parry into: F+4,2 / 1xxHelios / 3xxHelios / D+4xxBow / D+4xxZeus' Rage / D+1xxZeus' Rage.
Q: Why does F+4,2 not work on certain characters after an extended combo?
A: If you've already used F+4,2 in your combo, and you do a few more hits before using Head of Helios into JIP, F+4,2 or something of the sort, Divine Lift won't true combo and can be blocked. This is due to certain hitbox and gravity issues where F+4 lifts up the opponent off the ground, and certain characters fall to the ground faster than others, leaving them able to block before Kratos can launch them up again.
Q: Without HDCs, is it impossible to pressure with Kratos?
A: Yes. Kratos requires HDCs to capitalize on his up-close meter-building and mindgames. Without them, he is one of the worst up-close fighters in the game.
Q: Kratos does not have a low-starter. What should I do against blocking?
A: Throwing and D+4xxBow/HDC are good options for Kratos. Though you should not be too reliant on throws, as they can be teched/crouched, and Apollo's Bow can also be crouched.
Q: Why is Kratos banned in competitive play?
A: He is a PS3-exclusive fighter; Xbox players would be at a disadvantage.
Q: What is Kratos' best Anti-Air?
A: Standing 1 and B+1.
ST1 has good horizontal range and faster startup. B+1 is an upwards swing, which makes it the best AA, but it is quite slow at 21 frames. Standing 2 can also be used as an AA, though ST1 has more active frames.
Q: Is there a glitch with Apollo's Bow?
A: Yes. A glitch that makes an arrow or two seemingly not come out, and then these "invisible arrows" hit your opponent at a later time.
I call it "Apollo's Ghost". I haven't found out what makes it occur, but perhaps it has something to do with rapidly shooting arrows and having your opponent avoid/block them...
The first post will be updated with the questions and answers so that you know if your question was already asked before and what was the answer for.
Alien Substance will update this post.
Question: What kind of character is Kratos?
Answer: A tank-type: Very slow, but does a lot of damage. More technically, I would call him a Punisher/Counter-based/Gambler kind of character.
Q: What are the properties of his EX Hermes Dash and EX Parry?
A: Hermes Rush has armor and Argos Ram juggles on melee-hit, the projectile-parry sends out a larger, more damaging golden ball.
Q: Does the EX Parry work against wakeups?
A: On most wakeups, yes. The normal parry can counter whatever the EX version can, however.
Q: What is Kratos' infinite?
A: 2,1~HDC, 2,1~HDC, Repeat. Works only in the corner, and is a "to-the-frame" kind of infinite, like Kabal's 2~NDC block-infinite.
Q: What is the best option for Kratos after he is knocked down in the corner?
A: Hermes Flash Parry into: F+4,2 / 1xxHelios / 3xxHelios / D+4xxBow / D+4xxZeus' Rage / D+1xxZeus' Rage.
Q: Why does F+4,2 not work on certain characters after an extended combo?
A: If you've already used F+4,2 in your combo, and you do a few more hits before using Head of Helios into JIP, F+4,2 or something of the sort, Divine Lift won't true combo and can be blocked. This is due to certain hitbox and gravity issues where F+4 lifts up the opponent off the ground, and certain characters fall to the ground faster than others, leaving them able to block before Kratos can launch them up again.
Q: Without HDCs, is it impossible to pressure with Kratos?
A: Yes. Kratos requires HDCs to capitalize on his up-close meter-building and mindgames. Without them, he is one of the worst up-close fighters in the game.
Q: Kratos does not have a low-starter. What should I do against blocking?
A: Throwing and D+4xxBow/HDC are good options for Kratos. Though you should not be too reliant on throws, as they can be teched/crouched, and Apollo's Bow can also be crouched.
Q: Why is Kratos banned in competitive play?
A: He is a PS3-exclusive fighter; Xbox players would be at a disadvantage.
Q: What is Kratos' best Anti-Air?
A: Standing 1 and B+1.
ST1 has good horizontal range and faster startup. B+1 is an upwards swing, which makes it the best AA, but it is quite slow at 21 frames. Standing 2 can also be used as an AA, though ST1 has more active frames.
Q: Is there a glitch with Apollo's Bow?
A: Yes. A glitch that makes an arrow or two seemingly not come out, and then these "invisible arrows" hit your opponent at a later time.
I call it "Apollo's Ghost". I haven't found out what makes it occur, but perhaps it has something to do with rapidly shooting arrows and having your opponent avoid/block them...