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Ashrah Kombos

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Second Saint

A man with too many names.

These are practical and end in oki. It doesn't have to side switch, but the timing gets more difficult, since instead of an instant neutral j2 21~bf2d at the end, you have to do a slightly delayed jf2 21~bf2d

Also the input for timing the Scorpion assist is a very simple j122Kameo~bf2. Delaying this j122 very slightly is how you get it to land both hits of the assist, which is necessary for both the height and extra damage.

EDIT: Occurs to me actual notation might be useful since I'm talking about specific parts of the combo.

f421~ex df3, j122(K)~bf2d, j21~bf2d
21, df1, f4~ex df3, j122(K)~bf2d, j21~bf2d
21, db1, f2~whatever

So Ashrah can stance switch after landing 21 and still pick it up with f2 (hardest), b2 (medium), s2 (easy) into db2 or whatever ender you need and still end up with 20% or so.
Pretty handy that she doesn't need a kameo to do this in a combo.


In Zoning We Trust
So you want to switch into dark stance, build stacks, then back to light?

I think I can make that happen.
After posting that I realized I haven't actually seen the concepts used much at all, in tech or in matches. But seems like it could be useful.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
After posting that I realized I haven't actually seen the concepts used much at all, in tech or in matches. But seems like it could be useful.

Here you are, @SaltShaker

EDIT: This is totally doable with Scorpion with pretty much the exact same route, but different timing on the kameo call.

Also, you don't have to do just f4~ex df3, you can do f42~ex df3 for a little more damage, but my recording app lags my game and I simplified to make things easier.
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Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Awesome thanks for churning this out so quickly. Definitely liking the idea of setting up the buff and transitioning back because I think both that and the ability to combo in light where you normally can't when stacked is underused. Gonna check some of this out myself in about an hour.
Yeah, it also gives you potential setups that you couldn't before because things like b22 and b31 become special cancelable on hit. You can even OS input that special since it won't come out on block.

This is buried somewhere in general discussion, but I'll repost it here to. This is the kind of hit/cancel advantage you can gain while having stacks up and a potential setup it allows.


Also the input for timing the Scorpion assist is a very simple j122Kameo~bf2. Delaying this j122 very slightly is how you get it to land both hits of the assist, which is necessary for both the height and extra damage.
I find it easier to just j122~bf2(K)d instead of delaying j122. In the corner only bf2 ender works: starter~ex df3, j122~bf2(dK)d, jf21~bf2 But it's also very consistent.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
I find it easier to just j122~bf2(K)d instead of delaying j122. In the corner only bf2 ender works: starter~ex df3, j122~bf2(dK)d, jf21~bf2 But it's also very consistent.
This was very early on. I actually don't use this myself anymore, in favor of what you're talking about exactly.

John the Savage

"Safeties disabled, combat mode engaged."
Is standing 2 everyone’s go to anti air? I’m trying to work out all my options but sometimes it feels like a standing 2 only works when they jump in from the perfect spot


21, db1, f2~whatever

So Ashrah can stance switch after landing 21 and still pick it up with f2 (hardest), b2 (medium), s2 (easy) into db2 or whatever ender you need and still end up with 20% or so.
Pretty handy that she doesn't need a kameo to do this in a combo.
f42 is the best conversion imo. the combo has no benefits at all though, at least not independent from any kameo synergy. if you switch to dark and apply stacks in the combo, the combo PLUS the potential stack damage are lower than when you just do the df1, f2 conversion from 21.