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Are You Having Trouble with Inputs?

Having Issues with Inputs?

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The problem is that Shortcuts is not just one options. There are two options boundled into that. What is hilarious.
If you turn it off you have to be more precise on diagonal input. It says there and I tried it.
If you have this on, you can hit down, diagonal, forward and button, in any orther those 4 and move will work. Otherwise, not much.

I'm 95% sure they wont improve anything on this topic...


Positive Poster!
I do feel what Mike is saying, that inputs are weird. Though there is one thing to be said about this, is that it really helps me with my horrible execution.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
What system and controller do you use? Is there a difference between left-to-right and right-to-left inputs in terms of reliability?

Thanks. I'm on the Xbox 1. I use the TE2 fight stick. Hex gate because I feel it's still a 3d game but still side scrolling. Changed the spring to the more stricter one to have better control of movements. Bat top.

Left to right problems are the same has my right to left. Air ball seems to come out late and is read like a open book so usually input U3,bf,3. nj 2 bf,3 and when I do mid screens strings of b121, ex blade slice, njp 1 or 2 but i can not connect bf, 3 even in ex version so i can get in closer to push them into the corner.

Also b312, b121, EX blade slice, njp 1 or 2 which I want to end with air ball in either ex version wont connect either. This ones in the corner.

Lastly Jn1, b121, Ex blade slice, 212, 1 regular ball just doesn't want to come out.

Does the online have anything to do with unresponsive commands? I swear I have never played a fighting game where I can hear myself pressing buttons and the controller and nothing happens on the screen. Jacqui's b,f 4 hardly ever executes. EB feels like a stiff ass coffin. The pole is an appropriate representation of how difficult it is to get commands out on this game.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Without input shorts on I cant even perform a simple divekick lol.

I use input shortcuts ON cause it helps with specials and stuff but it can really screw you over with extra unintended moves like for example with Kung Jin i often get fireball instead of D1.... Fireball is super punishable up close. So annoying:(


I Protect The Fridge!
The only problem I have with inputs is that my PC can barely handle MKX and I have crazy lag so maybe I should wait and get it on PS3 I dunno.


Necroing this thread to some extent... I picked the game up in July so I'm a little late to the game. A little background: I'm not really what you'd consider a fighting game vet, but I played a boatload of the first few Soulcalibur games and Super Smash Brothers, so I'm no stranger when it comes to doing move inputs under time pressure. I don't recall ever having input issues in either of those games, but three months and 300+ hours into MKX I'm surprised and disappointed how much of a problem I've had with inputs. The timing of the issues seems unpredictable, but they are definitely worse when I'm under pressure to get something off more quickly. Specifically:

1. I frequently have BF moves fail to trigger with the character jumping instead. I don't have nearly as much of a problem with bidirectional (DB, DF, etc) attacks.
2. Command grabs. Seems like a lot of folks have had an issue with these.
3. EX timing seems excessively tight. I frequently have attempted EX moves fail when the system interprets my attempted simultaneous input as inputting the attack button a microsecond ahead of the block button.
4. The system seems to provide "assistance" with moves, often generating moves whose inputs weren't necessarily even entered.... even with keyboard shortcuts and the like turned off. Example: attempting a B22 BF4 combo with predator and intentionally button mashing a little to disrupt the flow often causes smart disc (BF2) to fire while actively inputting BF4. I confirmed in the lab that the BF2 input never occurs and am fairly consistently able to reproduce this.

Frankly, this shit is a huge headache and I'm ready to move on from the game because of it, but before I do I'm curious if anyone has any additional input.

Edit: I feel like this is more prevalent online, but I usually play online with the same individual who lives about 30 minutes from me and don't really see much visible lag while we play.


I am like the blue rose
Necroing this thread to some extent... I picked the game up in July so I'm a little late to the game. A little background: I'm not really what you'd consider a fighting game vet, but I played a boatload of the first few Soulcalibur games and Super Smash Brothers, so I'm no stranger when it comes to doing move inputs under time pressure. I don't recall ever having input issues in either of those games, but three months and 300+ hours into MKX I'm surprised and disappointed how much of a problem I've had with inputs. The timing of the issues seems unpredictable, but they are definitely worse when I'm under pressure to get something off more quickly. Specifically:

1. I frequently have BF moves fail to trigger with the character jumping instead. I don't have nearly as much of a problem with bidirectional (DB, DF, etc) attacks.
2. Command grabs. Seems like a lot of folks have had an issue with these.
3. EX timing seems excessively tight. I frequently have attempted EX moves fail when the system interprets my attempted simultaneous input as inputting the attack button a microsecond ahead of the block button.
4. The system seems to provide "assistance" with moves, often generating moves whose inputs weren't necessarily even entered.... even with keyboard shortcuts and the like turned off. Example: attempting a B22 BF4 combo with predator and intentionally button mashing a little to disrupt the flow often causes smart disc (BF2) to fire while actively inputting BF4. I confirmed in the lab that the BF2 input never occurs and am fairly consistently able to reproduce this.

Frankly, this shit is a huge headache and I'm ready to move on from the game because of it, but before I do I'm curious if anyone has any additional input.

Edit: I feel like this is more prevalent online, but I usually play online with the same individual who lives about 30 minutes from me and don't really see much visible lag while we play.
Is negative edge turned off? Negative edge tends to lead to unintended inputs, and can make playing certain characters impossible. Sorry if this seems overwhelmingly obvious and you already knew this, but it has to be said just in case.

As for bf inputs, I had some problems at first but got through them. I have the hand eye coordination of a six year old retarded girl, so I am sure that if I can do it, you can too. It's just practice.

As for command grabs, those are legitimately tricky, but there is a trick to them. Slide from down to back as though you are doing a db move, and then lift your finger when moving to forward. Hold down the forward button until your input comes out on the screen.

I feel like I could have explained this better, but I am tired. If you were on PS4, I'd walk you through it.
The problem is that Shortcuts is not just one options. There are two options boundled into that. What is hilarious.
If you turn it off you have to be more precise on diagonal input. It says there and I tried it.
If you have this on, you can hit down, diagonal, forward and button, in any orther those 4 and move will work. Otherwise, not much.

I'm 95% sure they wont improve anything on this topic...
The other issue that i detest, is that when shortcuts is set "on" it messes up strings and combos when next close to interactable areas of the stage. I prefer this off but when doing Cassie's IAguns its a nightmare to pull off.

NRS should have tweaked that so it does not do this when having IS set to "On".


Is negative edge turned off? Negative edge tends to lead to unintended inputs, and can make playing certain characters impossible. Sorry if this seems overwhelmingly obvious and you already knew this, but it has to be said just in case.

As for bf inputs, I had some problems at first but got through them. I have the hand eye coordination of a six year old retarded girl, so I am sure that if I can do it, you can too. It's just practice.

As for command grabs, those are legitimately tricky, but there is a trick to them. Slide from down to back as though you are doing a db move, and then lift your finger when moving to forward. Hold down the forward button until your input comes out on the screen.

I feel like I could have explained this better, but I am tired. If you were on PS4, I'd walk you through it.
Yeah I've had negative edge off since the beginning. I played for a couple of months with input assist (or whatever the other option is) on and didn't really have any major problems, but recently stuff's started going to hell again and with the weird predator thing I mentioned above I tried turning it off to test with no real effect that I noticed... i.e. still had issues.

Otherwise, I've actually got really good hand-eye as a result of being a long-time gamer and multi-sport athlete so the fact that I'm having so many issues with this is a little surprising. Like I told the friend I played with, we've put several hundred hours into this game in 3 months with probably 3000-4000 matches between us; that should be more than enough practice to get something as simple as a BF down.


Your friendly neighborhood cynic
I have Tremor down to muscle memory, and certain times online, I will not get my db2 no matter what if I try to cancel it after a string. Most of the time when I have this issue it's when doing b2 into db2 with Tremor. Totally baffling because I am very consistent with how I execute simple things like that, but online....its like "You shall not pass!"


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
The variable block and recovery stun on hits is super annoying, especially when it effectively ignores your inputs completely.

There's nothing like blocking a -12 move and punishing with let's say, an f21 string and having only 1 come out because that f2 went straight into the trash bin because of that idiotic buffer-ignoring random stun that is dependant to which move you block.

There are a lot of moves like this, but Kung Jin db4 is the best one to illustrate.

So we moved on from muscle memorizing frame links in SF4 only to come here to have to memorize random time intervals for every random move a character has after the impact, so we know when we are allowed to press buttons.

I'm not saying it's not doable, it's just extremely LAME.


It's all so very confusing.
I voted yes, but for slightly different reasons than some people. My hands suck, and have been beat to shit, making them difficult and stubborn to deal with. I was a boxer then mixed martial artist for over a decade and NUMEROUS breaks , contusions and other hand injuries have made fighting games an interesting challenge.

Interestingly enough though, I don't feel like MK hampers me in any way. Every execution issue I have fun across so far , I have been able to at least partially overcome with stubborn repetition and CORRECT practice.I think a lot of people aren't practicing correctly.

The old adage 'practice makes perfect' comes to mind. Its oft-repeated, and super incorrect. PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect. If you practice throwing a shitty punch, the most you can hope for is being able to throw a perfectly shitty punch.

I found, when running in to issues (and shit knows Ive had issues) that *every* time, when I stopped, stepped back, and re-approached the combo or whatever it was, I saw improvements. Just recently, I have been struggling with Tremor combos. B2xdb2u. Fucker. So, I blamed the game and Tremor. I bitched on the Tremor forums. I got some advise and it was good, but ultimately, I fixed my own issue by stepping back and learning the combo from the beginning. That helped me identify what I was doing, which was, after hitting B2, I would slide my thumb down, then back, then up for the db2u follow-up, but what I WASNT doing, was fully releasing the original B input from the B2. Once I came to this conclusion, and started building my muscle memory from scratch, *poof*. I'm consistent.

Something I know people are doing, because I do it and Im not a special snowflake by any means, are building incorrect muscle memories. WHen we learn combos we all have different approaches, but by the time we put it all together, if there is some issue, we just keep hammering that issue home. Have you ever, after a long practice set, suddenly become inconsistent? Maybe a combo you normally hit half the time or better, suddenly you are barely hitting at all? Or some little thing has popped up that's just NOT working like usual? If you're like me, you are stubborn and this pisses you off. You start grinding harder and stay at it..

Well, congrats cupcake, you just spent several minutes building incorrect muscle memory. Where-as, had you just stopped and stepped away and come back to it after 15m, an hour, a nights sleep, you would have been back on point.

When I have issues, consistent issues that normal practice over several days and hours do not solve, I start TOTALLY over, right down to the most basic parts, and I start super slow. One input at a time, building on that, cleaning up anything I was muddying up before, and gradually building as close to perfect muscle memory as I can manage.

The result of this self-analysis is that I genuinely believe, given the motivation, there is nothing in the game that's simply beyond me input wise. I dont mean i can sit down and do a 3 FBRC, 3 one frame link, massive juggle combo in no time, but I do mean that if I have the motivation to LEARN that combo, eventually, after much much hard work, I WILL get it.
The variable block and recovery stun on hits is super annoying, especially when it effectively ignores your inputs completely.

There's nothing like blocking a -12 move and punishing with let's say, an f21 string and having only 1 come out because that f2 went straight into the trash bin because of that idiotic buffer-ignoring random stun that is dependant to which move you block.

There are a lot of moves like this, but Kung Jin db4 is the best one to illustrate.

So we moved on from muscle memorizing frame links in SF4 only to come here to have to memorize random time intervals for every random move a character has after the impact, so we know when we are allowed to press buttons.

I'm not saying it's not doable, it's just extremely LAME.
Pisses me the f off too


Official Loop Kang Main
Simple question. Feel like things arent coming out? Simplest of inputs feel like they don't come out sometimes.

An example is f3nutpunch with Johnny. I don't know why i cant do this string but it baffles me that I have the biggest trouble doing it.

I only make this thread because I know people are experiencing trouble too. Use this thread to give tips and share your concern.
F3 nutpunch with johnny frustrates me. Also b12 fbf4 with liu kang gets me pretty salty.


The variable block and recovery stun on hits is super annoying, especially when it effectively ignores your inputs completely.

There's nothing like blocking a -12 move and punishing with let's say, an f21 string and having only 1 come out because that f2 went straight into the trash bin because of that idiotic buffer-ignoring random stun that is dependant to which move you block.

There are a lot of moves like this, but Kung Jin db4 is the best one to illustrate.

So we moved on from muscle memorizing frame links in SF4 only to come here to have to memorize random time intervals for every random move a character has after the impact, so we know when we are allowed to press buttons.

I'm not saying it's not doable, it's just extremely LAME.
The lack of buffer for normal moves and variable blockstun are the worst element of the game...no doubt.

Waiting 2 seconds to punish some moves like war god low sweep is very stupid. The game would be much more enjoyable without this problem


(royal storm) Kitanas f4, the amount of times I've come running in and hit n4 on accident is saddening.

And, the float/fan from her db2, I always seem to whiff online. Been working on it though.

Was doing b1,4,exfan strings into float/reset(loop or whatever you call) , into the her db2 strings in practice. (fairly ok) Haven't really given it priority online yet.

I have trouble timing the float after the db2. =( either that or my fingers are just THAT sloppy.. Which may very well be the case.

OMG and her (Royalty Storm) db4.. Wtf does her db4 always feel like popping out at random. "Kage is gonna shadow kick me in the face.. Think I'll do a db4" -_-
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