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Are these too girly for a guy?


cr. HP Master
I like the color purple lol. You should rock those bad boys. If someone thinks you're girly from the color of your glasses just carry a swiss army knife around and be like, "am I girly? or am I prepared?"


Confused Thanagarian
I know we like to bust Khrome's balls, but has no one else asked his question? I usually ask the cashier if a shirt I bought is gay the once a year I do go clothes shopping

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
You're living in a dream world, Rev.
I imagine there's another side to this story. My hypothesis is that you reached the autoban threshold and your thread may or may not have been a troll thread, but I'm not accusing you of anything. You've been around since December of 2010... I don't know how things were run back then (I joined in 2012).

Whatever the case, in this current time, I doubt you would be banned for posting a thread about ponies unless it had some sort of malicious intent.
Those were the dark times my friend....the dark times..