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Are the police right?

Ok so a few days ago I was walking home from school, and a few kids approached me and wanted to fight. I was thrown down and put up enough of a fight to get away from them. Today the police came to my door saying I was being arrested for assault, one of the 2 kids moms said i started it and I was fined 200 dollars and let off with a warning. They said it didnt matter who started it, because I didnt report it. Are they just looking for the easy way out?


I don't know the law of this actual situation, but if you have a court date, im positive you can fight it and get it dismissed (or reduced, pending your history)

Proof is a VERY strong word in the legal world. Her word against yours means nothing if she has no proof; but the same applies to you as well. (example)--> if you got away fine but ended up busting one of their noses in the process, it sadly "is" their word against yours, and unless you present proof that it happened the way you said it did (i.e someone in the group/witness admits that you were jumped) you're looking at being at the mercy of the judge.

If it happened the way you say it did, I feel bad for ya man, and I hope it works out for ya.

Oh, and before I forget, you mention that you were walking home from school...Im not sure if its a state law, but here in VA, if you have not reached your house yet, you're still considered "at school." Watched quite a few folks get suspended for two weeks after fighting once they stepped off the bus. Strange how that is, but if it does apply to you, you may want to go to the school for help; assuming the people that tried to fight you attend the same school. If the school knows them as folks that tend to be on the trouble side of things, they could potentially help you if you need to go to court.



Blue Blurs for Life!
Sometimes you can't trust the judgment of those in charge of "upholding the law."

It's a sad outlook, I know, but true. And your story just adds to it. Some officers are only in this for themselves rather than actually doing their job.


Get staffed bro
Seek legal advice and don't listen to any advice posted on a forum unless from a qualified solicitor. Do not trust the police and say nothing on record without represention.


"I'm the 12th best Sub-Zero player in the world."
Just do the Cage split-nut punch. They'll never fuck with you again. Works every time.


Hey man,

ANYTIME someone attempts assault on you, you should report it. It's part of what we call CYOA (cover your own ass) in security. Odds are the police wont do anything about you reporting it but it will be on file then in case it comes up later. The police will almost always take the side of the person who reports the incident first so keep that in mind. As for your court problems, get a lawyer. Odds are this will get dropped but you need a lawyer to represent you. ALWAYS GO TO COURT WITH A LAWYER. I can't stress this enough.

I suspect you will have to pay a bunch of legal fees but you will get this dropped.