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Are Reptile/Sub Zero still awful in MK2 (MKAK)?


I am your god
No they ain't awful!! The whole disk is awful. Another POS release. I guess they need money fast at WB. This is absolute trash.
No they ain't awful!! The whole disk is awful. Another POS release. I guess they need money fast at WB. This is absolute trash.
Now that you mention that, I was on the verge of breaking my PS3 in half. I noticed the games looked like an oil painting and wondered wtf? I don't recall them looking like that before. I then found an option with filters that allows you to adjust the graphics and it was set to painting.

With that said, the games online is garbage and it freezes for me from time to time. All in all a sloppy release IMO. Thank goodness it was only 10 dollars.

MKK hanzo

Reptile is awful, Sub can do some shit if you are willing to work with him. Unblockable ground freeze that can get around 50% damage. Learn to trade if you are going to use him or don't bother.
Sup Zaq? Look how good is the offline mode? Input delay? Frame rate? its truly arcade Perfect? Or its choppy as the old UMK3 on 360?


Go to hell.
Eh, they're good enough. Mileena is still a *ahem* though. I didn't know it was a direct port though. I expected some* balance changes at least. I'm happy overall and I'm having a good time in ladder and with my bros.


I am your god
The game es meirda. You would think for a game that made dozens of versions and mucho dinero, that they would have put at least a minimal effort to exploit a 20th anniversary edition.
Sub and Rep do suck compared to everybody else. Other than the roundhouse, they have the shittiest normals in the game. They also get raped up close by other character's jabs and there's very little they can do about it. So does Scorpion, but he has better mobility, better mixups, an air throw that can snatch other characters out of their special moves, easy high-damage combos, and can lock down blockers in cross-over traps that never seem to end. The only thing they really have going for them is their walk cycle and that roundhouse.

Sub isn't total garbage because he has high-damage options if he's willing to trade and Reptile isn't total garbage because he has the wildcard of invisibility. Both characters, however, have to play very wisely and not make any mistakes in order to succeed. Every fight using Reptile and most using Sub are uphill battles. They aren't helpless by any means, but they (and Baraka) are the bottom of the barrel in this game.