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Are ChronusMax and Titanone converters banned or allowed

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I have a titan one. It definitely feels like it lags on ps4. Maybe that's just me though?

I haven't bothered to try it for more than a few mins but from my understanding they haven't solved the authentication problems yet (meaning it will desync around 8 minutes in). Fortunately most tournament sets won't take that long, but I wouldn't want to risk anything, plus it would be an annoyance in casuals. For this reason though, Evo has banned it until it's fixed. But most tournaments don't ban it outright.

I switched to a 6 button pad in mk9. I know it seems unnatural but for me it really didn't take that long to get used to it. I bet if you tried it you'd be comfortable within a couple days, it's not like switching from pad to stick. You shouldn't be accidentally hitting the wrong buttons either, it's literally the same layout as a normal controller with 2 buttons next to it. I set top right as my interactable button and bottom right for throw.

Also this is the pad I've heard most good things about. I blame @Blind_Ducky for convincing you to buy the other one lol.
Play me tomorrow w it

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You could use the pcb from the FC4 and an Undamned USB decoder to make a converter for ps4. Doing this would allow any usb controller to work (for ps2 pad you could plug it into a 360 adapter then the DIY one).

Example of a dual converter using the same things but also adding in an Xbox One PCB. http://testyourmight.com/threads/my-diy-dual-converter-and-my-hitboxes-stick.52865/
I'm gonna see GUMMO at CEO and will bring every pad I own plus the bad converter he sent me and try to get this rectified for Evo


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Hey @Pig Of The Hut I would recommend giving the 6 button Hori another try. I was like that two at first but I agree with @rev0lver. It just takes some time to getting use to and once you keep practicing you will get comfortable. I feel it much more responsive than the DS4 and miles better than the PDP fightpad. After a while the 2 extra buttons won't get in the way. I have the button layout setup like the DS4.


Why not get a stick and then mod it for the PS4, XB1, or any future console that ever comes out? I've been using the same stick since x360.

I know what you mean though, ps2 pads are awesome. I've always done better with a stick though.


Maybe I'll have something to say ... Probably not
Why not get a stick and then mod it for the PS4, XB1, or any future console that ever comes out? I've been using the same stick since x360.

I know what you mean though, ps2 pads are awesome. I've always done better with a stick though.
It's generally not a good idea to change the type of controller you use this close to so many majors. (CEO, ESL, ESL finals, EVO)