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Aquaman's ending


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
His ending is just a poke at his unpopularity.

It boils down to "aquaman becomes so popular, he becomes king of the world"


Scary Bat
Injustice Aquaman is the best Aquaman. They go to a world where everyone is 'evil' basically but Aquaman sees his 'evil' version and Aquaman gives him shit and practically calls him a pussy. Superman's all 'how could I turn out like you' Wonder Woman is all 'you are not an amazon!'

Aquaman is all 'I can't believe you are this much of a little bitch? You're just going to give in to Supes? AW HELL TO THE NO!'. Aquaman is the king for a reason, he's not even a dictator really, most of the Atlantis guys are all for him as they believe he is rightful king.

But yeah, a few of the endings are a bit messed up. Like WW's.