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Anyone think the "jumping" is goofy?


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I really like the way they walk/float, etc... but when they start jumping around... am I the only one that is kinda like, "Hmm?"


I don't play Runescape
Well, actually a bit. It looks like they're hopping, but hopping really high, if you know what I mean.


Go to hell.
If we couldn't jump, online's population count would die by 95%. Jumping is retarded, and all the options like JIPs and JIKs into kombo or pressure is baffling.

Thank god for how good AA is


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Well, actually a bit. It looks like they're hopping, but hopping really high, if you know what I mean.

Why couldn't they all have their unique ways of jumping forward? All the same time and frames but like Batman would do a forward flip, Superman could stay the same except not as "hoppy" looking..

I dunno. but the jumping definitely bugs me a bit.. lol


Play Monster Hunter!
Flash, Wonder Woman, and Superman have weird jumping animations, the others seem fine though.

Probably not used to making jumping animations that don't involve sweet ninja flips.
Man, if the jumping in that game bothers you, then please take a close look at Batman stance.
For me the jumping is ... well it's not the best thing that could happen, but what bothers me more is the death-animation. They fall, they stand up and they fall again. The heck is this?

Other than that I'm actually very, very, very, very, very impressed by the animations overall. Looking at Solomon Grundy and Harley Quinn ... they really do behave and move like nothing we have seen from the clunkyness of the NRS engine before. Now it looks much more fluid and that's awesome.