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Anyone from here going to EVO for MK11?


EFL Founder
So I'm making plans to go and was curious if anyone else is headed to Vegas in August? I don't know how I'll do but a vacay in Vegas is always fun too. The number one problem I've realized is I've been playing on Xbox One and the tournament is PS4...

Sorry if this is the wrong spot for this thread.

edit: Obviously if anyone wants to play some sets in the meantime let me know. Thanks.


i got a brooke adapter for xbox controller to ps4 and used it this last weekend at a local, it worked great :)


Searching for an alt.
Yeah Juggs was telling me about that too. I didn't know if you could use stuff like that at tourneys?
Specifically yes for the Brook ones, some off brand ones aren't trustworthy but they're all good. EVO should have that exact thing on their website

EDIT: https://evo.shoryuken.com/f-a-q/
on the right side there are two questions about converters and they specifically state Brook ones are allowed and encouraged


Mr. Righteous

My first EVO was last year and I'm gonna keep it all the way live. It was one of the best gaming experiences of my life! You meet the FGC up close and personal! Mostly everybody is nice as fuck, I met sooooo many NRS folks from Kitana Prime (Who remembered my name), SonicFox, ForeverKing and his gorgeous GF who were so damn nice to me, and even members from TYM.

Plus, THEY HAVE AFTER PARTIES! So you can get turnt, show off your dance moves in dance circles, and just have a fucking RIGHTEOUS time!

I HIGHLY recommend everybody from here to go cuz guess what? Uncle JBeezY will be going again this year. It would be a pleasure to meet you :)


EFL Founder

My first EVO was last year and I'm gonna keep it all the way live. It was one of the best gaming experiences of my life! You meet the FGC up close and personal! Mostly everybody is nice as fuck, I met sooooo many NRS folks from Kitana Prime (Who remembered my name), SonicFox, ForeverKing and his gorgeous GF who were so damn nice to me, and even members from TYM.

Plus, THEY HAVE AFTER PARTIES! So you can get turnt, show off your dance moves in dance circles, and just have a fucking RIGHTEOUS time!

I HIGHLY recommend everybody from here to go cuz guess what? Uncle JBeezY will be going again this year. It would be a pleasure to meet you :)
Hell yeah man, I'm pretty stoked to go. I've been wanting to go to an offline tourney since I was playing UMK3 on the 360. I've never been able to because I live in the middle of nowhere and never could make the time to go. But yeah, it'd be cool to meet up with you and anyone else from here. Maybe get some games in and hit the strip. I only wish the tourney wasn't at Mandalay, we actually stayed there last year for a vacay and it was terrible. Lol... so we might stay somewhere else IDK. I'll be bringing my fam with me and my wife loves MK so she'll probably come with as well.

Anyone know if you'll be able to get any practice in or that's probably up to you to bring your console for the hotel room?


Mr. Righteous
Hell yeah man, I'm pretty stoked to go. I've been wanting to go to an offline tourney since I was playing UMK3 on the 360. I've never been able to because I live in the middle of nowhere and never could make the time to go. But yeah, it'd be cool to meet up with you and anyone else from here. Maybe get some games in and hit the strip. I only wish the tourney wasn't at Mandalay, we actually stayed there last year for a vacay and it was terrible. Lol... so we might stay somewhere else IDK. I'll be bringing my fam with me and my wife loves MK so she'll probably come with as well.

Anyone know if you'll be able to get any practice in or that's probably up to you to bring your console for the hotel room?
They will have plenty of consoles there to practice after the pools have cleared depending on the day. But recommend bringing your own to practice in your hotel if you're trying to get some good sessions in before you compete.


EFL Founder
They will have plenty of consoles there to practice after the pools have cleared depending on the day. But recommend bringing your own to practice in your hotel if you're trying to get some good sessions in before you compete.
Oh ok good, I'll probably bring mine just to be safe. I wonder how many are going to turn up for this, probably like 1,000-1,200 huh? Wasn't it like 1,100 entrants when MKX first came out? That's a lot of damn matches. Lol


Mr. Righteous
Oh ok good, I'll probably bring mine just to be safe. I wonder how many are going to turn up for this, probably like 1,000-1,200 huh? Wasn't it like 1,100 entrants when MKX first came out? That's a lot of damn matches. Lol
I wasn't there for the MKX era buuuuut i would NOT bring your system into the event. Meet up somebody that was could have a setup in their hotel room. There was plenty of ppl meeting up for sessions outside of the venue. I dont want u to risk getting your console stolen.

And if you're a drinker just like me ;) Their drinks are okaaaaay i guess in little cups. It might change this year. The biggest complaint people were saying about EVO last year was the water was super expensive. Now this year i believe water is free (I think) but double check that for yourself.


EFL Founder
Oh ok good call. Yeah I was thinking just having my console in my room but I'll just try and hook up some matches ahead of time.

And as long as I'm not playing right then I'll drink, otherwise I'll be tanked and can't play. Lol


I'm going for the first time this year.

Signed up for MK11, Tekken, and Sam Sho and expected to get thumped in all 3.


Everyone Has A Path
I went for the first year of SFV and went 4-2, losing to BxA Squall (who nearly made Top 8) and Will2Pac. That and the whole trip in Las Vegas made for an experience that was legitimately life changing. I'm hoping to go again but it's expensive and back then I was living at home so it took maybe a couple months at most to replace all the money I spent.

I'm headed to Combo Breaker and I just discovered a nearby local so I'm really just planning on seeing where I'm at before I reserve the hotel and plane ticket


EFL Founder
I went for the first year of SFV and went 4-2, losing to BxA Squall (who nearly made Top 8) and Will2Pac. That and the whole trip in Las Vegas made for an experience that was legitimately life changing. I'm hoping to go again but it's expensive and back then I was living at home so it took maybe a couple months at most to replace all the money I spent.

I'm headed to Combo Breaker and I just discovered a nearby local so I'm really just planning on seeing where I'm at before I reserve the hotel and plane ticket
Hell yeah you should try to go again this year. Luxor and Excalibur are wayyyyy cheaper than Mandalay where the event is at, and they're right next door. Good luck at the one you're going to, though!


I would only be interested in winning the entire thing, and have no interest in after parties or necessarily the social scene. So no.


Big maybe

Not sure how close my blackout days are to EVO right now, if I do make it gonna do my usual & not enter anything official so I can do my usual drunken tomfoolery