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Anyone else loving some of the character concept arts?


Scary Bat
I think the concept arts just might be my absolute favourite thing about this game! All the design that could have been are awesome. Like under Green Lantern you can see a concept art for John Stewart, so maybe they considered using him at some point instead? Lot's and lots of very cool design I hope to see as DLC!

However: with the good comes the bad, Wonder Woman's concept art makes her look like a worn-down street-walker, and not because of her outfits, her character model looks horrendous. Also kind of grateful for the costumes we have for Catwoman/Harley Quinn after seeing their concept arts which seem to be based around the idea of "I wonder how much of their costumes we can slice off?"


Get over here!
I also really enjoy the concept art. I agree with everything you said about Harley, WW, and Catwoman. However, with the good comes the bad. After seeing the initial designs of Aquaman I can only question why they decided to scrap the long haired bearded Aquaman. Their goal was to make him badass, so they scrap the metal look? It would have been cool just as an Alt. I also wanted a John Stewart Alt, not a New 52 knock off that comes in green and yellow. An older Green Arrow would have also been a badass idea. In general I hate that they scrapped some really good ideas, but I am also happy they got rid of the god awful ideas.


Scary Bat
Oh yeah! I forgot about that, Old Green Arrow looked like a total badass! He had that "I've seen some shit" look to him, I agree that they could have chosen a better Aquaman to have as an alt. Maybe they wanted one who looked similar for story purposes?

Half glad/sad they didn't have Bane's purple Luchador concept in the game, same with tattooed Grundy.


Scary Bat
Here's the John Stewart one I was talking about, I love how the design of his suit gets more extreme, the third one looks horribly 90's but I kinda love it. it's also got the least conehead and best beard, plus I kidna like the glowy hand gauntlets and the giant logo.


Positive Poster!
Here's the John Stewart one I was talking about, I love how the design of his suit gets more extreme, the third one looks horribly 90's but I kinda love it. it's also got the least conehead and best beard, plus I kidna like the glowy hand gauntlets and the giant logo.
1st fo' life yo.


I can't remember which but Bane had a few alts that made me hate the ones they picked.

I hope they release these as DLC/compatibility packs. That'd be so schway.


Supes had some horrible designs too but also some sick ones. Almost every character had concept art I'd chose over the in game ones lol
While I love Raven's designs(except her alt's skin tone and blue lines), I would LOVE some of those other concepts to be alts down the line.
I actually think there all terrible. Very bad ideas in there. Cat woman with dreads and g strings? Awful. Bane in a saints row outfit? He looks like one of those cheap toys in quarter machines. A lot of them do. Doomsday looks like a chunk of rock. Shaved head Hal jordon ? How bout the power ranger versions of green lantern,flash and Hawkgirl? Just terrible. I'm not sure why they needed to come up so many bad ideas when the comics are loaded with great versions already. I get the royalty versions for where their gods...but why change the rest?thank god they didn't go with HB catwoman .


I wish they went with Funky Captain Marvels outfit. His is the perfect blend of classic and functional.


Scary Bat
... so did anyone spot the pretty much Nazi-esque Flash Uniform?

I'm sure they didn't intend for it to be that, it's just that it's black, with a red centre and his lightning bolt logo is identical to the SS logo...