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Any high level Zatanna play?


So I am wondering if tym knows of any high level footage of Zatanna floating around. Or if you guys know of any decent Zatanna players out there.

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Filthy Casual
She's still a bit too early but once she starts being legal in tournaments you'll probably see some people playing her. I don't think that there are high profile tourney players that are excited about her though. I know GGA pimpimjim (a Raven player) was looking into Zatanna but mostly she's under the radar (and thus naturally assumed to suck).

As far as what the TYM community is putting out video wise it's basically "max damage" combo videos and not match footage.


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
She's still a bit too early but once she starts being legal in tournaments you'll probably see some people playing her. I don't think that there are high profile tourney players that are excited about her though. I know GGA pimpimjim (a Raven player) was looking into Zatanna but mostly she's under the radar (and thus naturally assumed to suck).

As far as what the TYM community is putting out video wise it's basically "max damage" combo videos and not match footage.
ill try to play her tomorrow at gga's weekly tournament series
I'm eagerly awaiting some high-level Zatanna too. I'm inclined to believe with SO many specials she has to have some serious hidden dirt. It seemed to me right away like the she was going to take serious time to learn and develop, possibly more than any other character. I imagine she has low damage and slow normals b/c there are some insane options, I just don't know what they are. Yet, it wouldn't surprise me if she rocketed from suck-tier to OMG-tier overnight once some tricks get uncovered. Then again, what do I know?


Filthy Casual
She's a high knowledge/execution entry barrier character and thus won't be understood until there's been adequate time with her. Honestly though that can be said with a lot of characters in IGAU. If the character isn't blatantly obvious with homogenous gameplay it's dismissed as "low-tier, worthless, garbage, etc".


I'm a literal Sloth
Hopefully I'll be at a tournament in a month, and if so you'll see some Zatanna gameplay :)


Thanks guys! Kinda figured I wouldn't see some high level play of her. Mostly due to peeps trying to figure her out. I have saw some ish from Mr. Mileena which was good I must say. Right now I am just looking for high level gameply to better my understanding of the character. Damn she is a tough but fun character.

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AK Black Preon

I haven't seen any Zatanna match videos minus my own and that of Miles' week of Zatanna. And I play a fraudulent Zatanna and Miles is scrub hunting >_>


Zatanna is the last char from the cast so I can understand we don't see a lot about her.

I guess if REO wasn't playing mmh it would have been the same for mmh.

Same for Zod, we had to wait a long time before seeing some footage.

Plus : Those 3 char are hard to get.
Tru3 Talent on YouTube has a bit of Zatanna play but he even says he doesn't like her style very much so....

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Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Tru3 Talent on YouTube has a bit of Zatanna play but he even says he doesn't like her style very much so....

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I'm subscribed to him and his Zatanna is horrible lol. But the sessions he posted are all day 1 so maybe he's gotten better :D


Regina George of discord
Zatanna is the last char from the cast so I can understand we don't see a lot about her.

I guess if REO wasn't playing mmh it would have been the same for mmh.

Same for Zod, we had to wait a long time before seeing some footage.

Plus : Those 3 char are hard to get.
It's not the same! :/