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Any good KL player goin 4 dallas?

i say curbo.. the troll is strong in that one

admins could just check his IP to find out whether he really is a troll account

troll accounts are retarded
If the troll is strong in curbo it cant be him. clayman just seems... dumb. There's a difference in getting a rise out of people and posting 262 posts that would all be covered with one thread in noob's passage saying "hey guys im pretty ignorant so just ignore me. i'll let you know when i stop being a waste of bandwidth and start wanting to actually get better at the game, but dont hold your breath."


you don't get it, do you?
If the troll is strong in curbo it cant be him. clayman just seems... dumb. There's a difference in getting a rise out of people and posting 262 posts that would all be covered with one thread in noob's passage saying "hey guys im pretty ignorant so just ignore me. i'll let you know when i stop being a waste of bandwidth and start wanting to actually get better at the game, but dont hold your breath."
Who is that funny lookin' guy in glasses on ur userpic?
Stop it, playah; you're just being annoying
as i said, just ignore, that's the best option for anyone.
instead lets talk about some freaking cool science stuff!

Did you know that the full extent of relativity physics only accounts for about 33% of existence including matter, anti-matter, energy, anti-energy and matterless void. current science accounts for 3 possibilities that can explain this and they dont seem to be mutually exclusive: 1) Black holes actually operate at like a 16 base tenser (or something like that) meaning they're roughly 100x as complex, dense, etc than we originally assumed, thus containing over 80% of our universe, 2) something like the christian god, 3)inevitable entropy and the collapse of sustainable timespace. Though this all assumes einstein's original system of special relativity works in a comprehensive fashion and in context of general relativity so that EM wave processes can account for a rate of energy translation (E=MC^2 assumes that energy and matter can be transformed into eachother). also, and here's the really problematic and philosophical issue, it requires that time be static, measurable, and constantly linear even in a bent timespace. In other words it assumes a general function of time that cannot be assumed because time in all instances is a fluid progress of experienced time (time cannot exist without perception, if you ask me about this i'll go more in depth) and cannot be charted (mathematically) linearly. This potentially solves entropy and to a certain extent black holes, but god is problematic because under a taoist paradigm there are literally zero refuations for the christian god (so long as the conditions of science are true). Isnt that nifty? :D


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i'd certainly think it would be neat if there was a god o3o. Maybe there is? who knows...altho one has to ponder the question....what keeps the universe in order? Why does gravity work all the time instead of only when it wants too? lol, What makes what ever keeps atoms packed together in a wall consistant instead of just randomly allowing them to part? o3o deep stuff no? :D