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Question Any fair/honest Characters in MKX?


Filthy Casual
Your list is is about right I think, but I would remove Reptile from it and probably add Goro, Kitana, Leatherface (except Killer), Ninjutsu, and Slasher just off the top of my head.

I can't imagine any variation is more straightforward and "honest" than Lackey. He does have an oki OH/Low starter mixup like everyone else, a few tick throws, and that's about all his dirt. He can't take anything you don't give him.
Your list is is about right I think, but I would remove Reptile from it and probably add Goro, Kitana, Leatherface (except Killer), Ninjutsu, and Slasher just off the top of my head.

I can't imagine any variation is more straightforward and "honest" than Lackey. He does have an oki OH/Low starter mixup like everyone else, a few tick throws, and that's about all his dirt. He can't take anything you don't give him.
Balanced kenshi is definitely as honest as it gets. He has no OH/Low starter, no string mixups, no great plus frames and is full combo punishable on every non ex special


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Just posting to say for the record "honest" doesn't determine how much juice a character has.

On paper, Buzzsaw is by far Kung Lao's most "dishonest" variation but it still has an inferior overall metagame to Tempest in most matchups.
So basically he's shit?
pretty much, he has 'zoning' and good corner damage but that's about it. Really is kind of a mess, he has lots of tools but they don't mix very well together. It also doesn't help when his fastest high is 9 frames. I'm still learning him though so I might find a way to make him work.
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Dojo Trainee
This is the problem with MKX. We keep acting like the game is full of safe 50/50s and all this madness when it's not. October 4th fixed a lot of stuff and we want to keep acting like it did nothing.

Why? Characters like Cybernetic and Balanced are viable. Armored launchers are gone or super toned down.
yeah i dont understand why everyone is acting as if the most recent patch never happened


Kung Lao is the most honest character in the game, any variation. The only crazy thing about him is canceling strings into EX teleport, but that costs 2 bars. Everything else about him is pretty straight forward


Not Good Enough
Literally the only type of dirt Cybernetic has is his instant air balls, decent zoning, and semi-decent staggers. He has no OH starter, his specials aren't super negative, but once your opponent blocks it, it's his turn. When fighting Cybernetic, you're not going to watch your health melt while helpless trying to guess and hold mix-ups. Balanced Kenshi is very much honest as well though.
Kung Lao is the most honest character in the game, any variation. The only crazy thing about him is canceling strings into EX teleport, but that costs 2 bars. Everything else about him is pretty straight forward
My mains Kung Lao and I honestly couldn't disagree more. Kung Lao is all about mixing the opponent and stealing turns.
Reptile is obviously the most honest. His plus on block 11f overhead it's supposedly more reactable than the O.P plz snurf punishable:rolleyes: Grandmaster 19f overhead.:joker:
Cause logic:DOGE
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Stay focused or get Caged
Cage is what comes to my mind when thinking about an honest character. Even A-List is now.

His two best variations are so honest that now they let you bully him on the ground:rolleyes:

pretty much, he has 'zoning' and good corner damage but that's about it. Really is kind of a mess, he has lots of tools but they don't mix very well together. It also doesn't help when his fastest high is 9 frames. I'm still learning him though so I might find a way to make him work.
You can win with Balanced, but it will take you double effort than with most of the chars in the game. He has the problems of base Kenshi + his own variation problems, and to make things worse, you have to learn to play him in a way he was not designed to be played since exrisingkarma died and he was one of the few chars (like Lackey Torr) where launching armor was justified and a core tool.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Cybernetic used to be honest, not so much any more. The only variation/character listed in the OP who might actually be "honest" is Blood God. Maybe Erron.

Most honest is probably either Blood God, Marksman or Balanced imo. They actually gave some variations more or even safe 50/50s over time loooooooool

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
If your whole point of playing fighting games is looking for the most honest/fair character in the game, you are not trying hard enough. You deserve getting bodied if that's your mentality.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
What does it mean to be..."fair" in a fighting game?

I suppose "unfair" would be a character with infinites, or game-breaking glitches, etc.

But MKX doesn't have that. To say a character is "unfair" is to imply that they break the "rules" of the game. Which is preposterous scrub-talk.

"Honest" is another one that grinds my fears. Let me clue you all in on something: You do not get brownie points in the FGC for "working harder" than the other guy based on character choice. No one cares if you drown in Pools with Kung Lao because you wanted to play "honest."

The existence of an "honest" character would also imply to me that there are characters who are "dishonest," and I'm really not sure how that even works. Are there moves that are hidden? Perhaps moves that the descriptions say do one thing, but actually another? How can a fictional batch of coding(which is what a character is, it's coding), tell a lie as to be "dishonest?"

It's all horseshit people use to option select when they lose. I can complain about a character from dawn till dusk when I'm salty, but objectively if I lost it means I fucked up and they played better.

Refusing to acknowledge that by dressing characters up as "cheap" or "dishonest" will assure that you never progress.

Short version: This thread fucking sucks.


Theirs no such thing as honest in a fighting game RE characters, those are what we call bad characters


Low tier button masher.
pretty much, he has 'zoning' and good corner damage but that's about it. Really is kind of a mess, he has lots of tools but they don't mix very well together. It also doesn't help when his fastest high is 9 frames. I'm still learning him though so I might find a way to make him work.
You can win with Balanced, sure Possessed is better but don't make it sound like Balanced is garbage. I use him in certain matchups over possessed.

He's not a mess and his toolset is fine Imo.