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Any Advice for New Stick learners?


I got an 8 button arcade stick for Christmas, and I was wondering if anybody could help me? Like how long will it take to adapt to it and just get back into the flow of things. I was really good on a pad and right now I'm not seeing much of a point from switching to a stick from the pad. But it does make some things easier; like for example, Gief's 360's and SPD motion in general. Grapple characters I can see using well with the stick. But aside from that, I don't see how this stick is going to help me much. My mains are Seth, Sagat, and maybe probably Gief soon, but I use a wide range of characters usually.

Here's a picture of my stick; it's a WWE Raw stick because those were the only ones available, I don't think it matters too much though, whether it's a Mad Catz stick or a random miscellaneous stick; it's still a stick, right? -- http://goodgames4you.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/c7198_WWE_All_Stars_5597708847_0230510aec.jpg


[MENTION=1307]Victor[/MENTION], I documented my learning experience with a stick here: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?10304-My-transition-from-pad-to-stick

The biggest thing is just don't use a pad anymore, period. No matter how discouraged you get or anything. TBQH I'm still learning, I make more mistakes than I'd like, but I'm better over all and I'm not having the problems i used to on a pad. Oddly, I can do better on a pad as well.

You can also look for more information in this forum (where this question really belongs): http://testyourmight.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?117-Technical-Talk-Arcade-Stick-Modding-and-Beyond!



Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It'll be about a good month or so, maybe longer, before you get comfy with it.

Your characters don't necessarily benefit from the switch, but just general things such as certain things likely being less awkward to perform, like piano techniques, are always welcome. Also, in the event you wanna play a game, but have no controller of your own or are playing on an arcade cab, you can jump right on and be fine, so it's good if you plan on travelling to locals and stuff.


Dojo Trainee
My advice would be to use it on the next game you try to learn. Unless you are competitive at a very high level, the benefits of switching to a stick will probably not out weight the learning curve. Though if there's a game worth working to switch for, it's SF.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
There isnt really a right answer...some people take longer, some, shorter. just keep practicing and no matter how much it frustrates you, dont quit and go back to pad.


[MENTION=1307]Victor[/MENTION], I documented my learning experience with a stick here: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?10304-My-transition-from-pad-to-stick

The biggest thing is just don't use a pad anymore, period. No matter how discouraged you get or anything. TBQH I'm still learning, I make more mistakes than I'd like, but I'm better over all and I'm not having the problems i used to on a pad. Oddly, I can do better on a pad as well.

You can also look for more information in this forum (where this question really belongs): http://testyourmight.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?117-Technical-Talk-Arcade-Stick-Modding-and-Beyond!

Yeah, I can't use a pad anymore anyway. My controller (pad) is broken so I saw this as a good opportunity to grab a stick and try it out and learn it instead. I will try and stay disciplined though and not revert back to the dark side...

It'll be about a good month or so, maybe longer, before you get comfy with it.

Your characters don't necessarily benefit from the switch, but just general things such as certain things likely being less awkward to perform, like piano techniques, are always welcome. Also, in the event you wanna play a game, but have no controller of your own or are playing on an arcade cab, you can jump right on and be fine, so it's good if you plan on travelling to locals and stuff.
Yeah I know, it sucks. I was thinking while in training mode... "how does this help my mains again?" LOL. I really do think I mastered the pad for this game though. Turning away from it is kind of discouraging\depressing...

There isnt really a right answer...some people take longer, some, shorter. just keep practicing and no matter how much it frustrates you, dont quit and go back to pad.
Yeah, I hope it takes me the minimum amount of time to learn this. Surprisingly enough I was able to do Sagat's 3x cr.lk -> cr.lp -> Tiger Uppercut within the first 30 minutes of trying out my stick. The hardest things for me atm are FADC'ing and finger placement. Before on a pad my fingers were just centimeters away from each other most of the time, now it feels like they're 3-4 inches away from one another and it's taking a lot more time to move them so strict combos don't get done as easily. Totally sucks right now... :(

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Yeah, I can't use a pad anymore anyway. My controller (pad) is broken so I saw this as a good opportunity to grab a stick and try it out and learn it instead. I will try and stay disciplined though and not revert back to the dark side...

Yeah I know, it sucks. I was thinking while in training mode... "how does this help my mains again?" LOL. I really do think I mastered the pad for this game though. Turning away from it is kind of discouraging\depressing...

Yeah, I hope it takes me the minimum amount of time to learn this. Surprisingly enough I was able to do Sagat's 3x cr.lk -> cr.lp -> Tiger Uppercut within the first 30 minutes of trying out my stick. The hardest things for me atm are FADC'ing and finger placement. Before on a pad my fingers were just centimeters away from each other most of the time, now it feels like they're 3-4 inches away from one another and it's taking a lot more time to move them so strict combos don't get done as easily. Totally sucks right now... :(
yea its gonna suck while you learn. your basically starting all over. and that sucks but is fun too. like i said, if your serious, dont go back and force yourself to re-learn the game. find your play style on the stick...and......stick with it! *BA DUM TISSS*

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
It took me like six months to transition from pad to stick fully.

If both systems didn't have different controllers, I would probably still be playing pad, haha.

Biggest thing is to decide on one way to hold the actual stick with your left hand. I ended up doing it a really sloppy way that was way less efficient, however it made a bat top suit me way better, so I had to get one.


It took me like six months to transition from pad to stick fully.

If both systems didn't have different controllers, I would probably still be playing pad, haha.

Biggest thing is to decide on one way to hold the actual stick with your left hand. I ended up doing it a really sloppy way that was way less efficient, however it made a bat top suit me way better, so I had to get one.
Six months!? Dude that sounds awful... frick! I should be playing on a pad still. I guess on the bright side I do plan to get an XBOX in the future so I guess learning the stick would be a great advantage right now. I just really wanna play Street Fighter again without sucking LOL. I refuse to go online and get beat so badly right now cause I just suck at stick. I'm always just going into training mode and trying to get my brain used to the motions of everything everytime I log onto PSN... so boring...


[MENTION=1307]Victor[/MENTION], you'll improve if you just keep at it. Plus its fun, and as pointed out you'll not need to get used to a different controller to play on either system. To improve without being bodied online, I just went through the Challenge Tower again. I think I also did story mode, can't remember.


I just learned a stick like 2 months ago. Took me one week to get used to it, and 2 weeks to fully know it by muscle memory.

The day I got my stick, my online record (just for the threads purpose) went to like 200-500, but after three weeks im at 800-750.

It shouldn't take long to adapt.


[MENTION=1307]Victor[/MENTION], you'll improve if you just keep at it. Plus its fun, and as pointed out you'll not need to get used to a different controller to play on either system. To improve without being bodied online, I just went through the Challenge Tower again. I think I also did story mode, can't remember.
Oh sorry aj, I think I forgot to mention I am switching to stick for Street Fighter, not MK. I haven't played MK since MK vs. DC. I hear the online play for the new MK is bad, plus Street Fighter has just had me too hooked. I wish more of the MK community converted over :) they don't know what they're missing.

I just learned a stick like 2 months ago. Took me one week to get used to it, and 2 weeks to fully know it by muscle memory.

The day I got my stick, my online record (just for the threads purpose) went to like 200-500, but after three weeks im at 800-750.

It shouldn't take long to adapt.
Very nice.

Does anyone customize their stick or just leave it as it is (default)?


[MENTION=4]THTB[/MENTION] - Could you give me some examples of a 'piano technique'? I'm not familair with the terminology everyone uses all the time. Cba learning it, lol.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
@THTB - Could you give me some examples of a 'piano technique'? I'm not familair with the terminology everyone uses all the time. Cba learning it, lol.
Piano technique basically is pressing 2 or more buttons in succession in a way you would press piano keys in order right after one another. It can be as simple as light-to-medium-to-heavy, or more complex than that, such as ideal piano methods used for getting quick mashes for say Honda's hundred hands.


Guardian of Outworld
Glad you've joined the Arcade Stick Group.

I just want to say, that i've finally finished modding my arcade stick with full sanwa parts. Modding a Hori Fighting Stick 3. I know Arcade Stick is superior in Street Fighter, but I want to touch on its use in MK.

I have my stick with the following setup:


I can now perform EN Nut Punch and EN Shadow Kick 100% of the time. Previously I was on Dual Shock 3 for PS3, and I would get mixed results when performing EN moves. I would get a mix bag of Block, EN move and the normal move. It was frustrating as I really needed on-reaction EN Shadow Kick, and would often get the normal Shadow Kick and eat the projectile. Due to Dual Shock 3's R2 Trigger. I can also throw with FP+FK 100% of the time, instead of getting either FP or FK or throw.

With the awkward position for BLK, my third finger gets rather sore after a few games. But I wouldn't change the setup as I like to throw with both Fronts, like LP+LK in SF. And X-Ray by tapping all 3 buttom buttons. Its probably more comfortable position your thumb over block.

I'm fairly experienced on a stick in general, and was fine with transitioning dash cancels from pad to stick. Eg. Cage's B3, dash, 2, dash, 2, dash, etc. Probably about 20% rusty in that department. But practice makes perfect.

I have a few more sticks to mod, and my next project will be a hitbox, with the B, D, F, U buttons in place of the stick.


Aquaman is dead lel
Oh sorry aj, I think I forgot to mention I am switching to stick for Street Fighter, not MK. I haven't played MK since MK vs. DC. I hear the online play for the new MK is bad, plus Street Fighter has just had me too hooked. I wish more of the MK community converted over :) they don't know what they're missing.

Very nice.

Does anyone customize their stick or just leave it as it is (default)?
Since yours is an SE not a TE you might want to change the buttons and the stick to sanwa. I had a Kitty Board installed so I can play on both 360 and PS3 with my TE-S.
this is how i use, and it works perfect:

[MENTION=3034]evansgambit[/MENTION], u should give this setup a try, the block button is perfect there, and u can do xrays ezly


Monster Island Tournaments
I'm currently in the process of making the switch as my friend had an extra Madcatz TE stick. Until I get my stick dual modded I'll still be switching from stick to pad (VSM is largely played on ps3 and my stick is 360) so the transition has been difficult.

The only way I've been able to get movement down is I play strictly with my thumb (the whole wrist thing just doesn't work for me, I've been a pad player my entire life so my thumbs are strong lol).

I'm curious how come they don't make an xbox controller with an 8 way switch joystick? I mean is it that difficult or is their just no market for them? I'm going to basically try to take the xbox left analog stick and replace this giant Ball stick lol


Dojo Trainee
Ahhhh i just starting learning to play a stick as well thats not the MK layout. I think it will work but there is so much to adapt to from pad or even a mk layout to playing on a viewlix layout with japanese parts. First off the stick itself. Super high quality, but things like dashing, once mindless and easy are now difficult, for me it is easier to thumb forward/back in rapid succession, than to do it on the stick. It will get better with practice, but i think it could be as long as six months before I'm where i want to be on the stick, which is as good as i was on the pad, with a little crisper execution that a stick can offer.

Didn't buy it as a get good quick ploy, i knew better from playing on a pdp once or twice. SO much to improve on, i better stop posting and get to work in practice mode. Right now raidens F2 shocker is killing me on the stick.. absolutely killing me.


GhosT Hang in there! I'm still learning and its been months, lol. But I'm starting to get better with things like Kitana's IAF.
> Learn how to properly hold the Balltop and learn to keep your fingerplacement
>Find a layout that best suits you
>Hit the training mode and practice your BnBs with your main than slowly branch out to other characters.


Dojo Trainee
> Learn how to properly hold the Balltop and learn to keep your fingerplacement
>Find a layout that best suits you
>Hit the training mode and practice your BnBs with your main than slowly branch out to other characters.
1. There is a proper way to hold the ball top? I'm holding it how it feels natural at the moment, tried a few different grips, but naturally keep going back to what feels right, normal?

2. I think i got the layout that will work for me, x:fp y:switch stance rb:bp A:fk b:block: RT:Bk

3. Im on day two of training in practice mode, and already have improved quite a lot in my second day, maybe by the end of the week ill be able to land raiden BNB's constantly on moving AI.

Question: Since i never used a ball top til two days ago, do all ball tops rotate? i was expecting no movement off the ball top, sort of like a bat top, I'm already getting used to it but it sort of threw me at fights, can it be tightened or is that just what i gotta work with?

Also, 4 way or 8 way gate? Im on a sanwa 8 way gate right now, its not bad but want some opinions on the matter. Thanks everyone for reply's


Dojo Trainee
GhosT Hang in there! I'm still learning and its been months, lol. But I'm starting to get better with things like Kitana's IAF.
Yeah i have decided not to go back to pad. ill rough it out no matter how long it takes. Im actually having a lot of fun sucking with the arcade stick. When i do land a big BNB or corner string it feels really good and rewarding. Matter of fact i have just about got raidens BNB corner string down pat. Given its a very easy string, i find it even easier on the stick, now only if ALL aspects of stick play were that easy.

Thanks for the support, Good luck to you and your IAF'z
There's proper ways to holding a ball top so you don't get fatigued. Same with finger placement, it shouldn't be stiff and robotic like. When you move a joystick, it should be fluid and loose not jerky, like moving your hand underwater.

2 common ways to hold it are the 'natural way' and from the bottom, like how you would grip a Baseball.

4 gate would be better suited for MK.