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Strategy - Kobu Jutsu ANTI-TANYA TONFA TECH!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.

Okay, so this is THE MOST TIER CHANGING TECH YOU WILL EVER READ!! Well, not really, but it should help you land an extra combo or two each match by getting a punish that you might not have known you can have! Well now you can make a Tanya sweat every time she tries to use her Rekka (df2~) pressure unless she's willing to give up that meter!


Here's a video of me trying to explain it, but I'll explain it with text too because some people don't like videos or they're on mobile or they don't get my abysmal explanation in the video.

First things first, to my knowledge (I haven't tested at max delayed Rekkas which shouldn't ever be uninterrupted) Rekkas are NEVER plus on (standing) block and therefore it's YOUR TURN to press buttons and apply pressure, you should be stuffing her attacks unless you use a slow normal.

Secondly, if she doesn't delay the regular Rekkas and they jail, you should always be able to punish. The Rekkas in this order: DF2~DF1~DF2 are as followed on block: -12, -13, -28. If Tanya ends with EX DF2 on the last hit of her Rekkas then she's -7 (some characters can punish, ie Reptile) or if she starts with EX DF2 then cancels instantly into DF1 she's -4 (nobody punishes that).
Third, if she delays and there's a gap between Rekkas, they become safe. But that's the trade-off. She's allowing a gap that you can armour through to be very safe. I have a way to make sure that if she leaves a gap... EVER... You can armour through it. It's really simple:
For every Rekka that you see Tanya hit you with, let go of block and input your special move really quickly then keep holding block. If there's a gap, it will reversal out of it and punish her for trying to be safe. If she makes the Rekkas Jail then she's punishable anyway unless she spends meter. * * I'm not sure if she can delay them ever so slightly to make them safe but still jail, but I still think you should do this just in-case she does leave a gap ;) * *

This seemed to work for me at my local recently and helped me with Tanya so hopefully it helps you too.

Interesting note:

If Tanya delays the first and second hits of the Rekka, even if the second hit and Ex third hit jails, the third hit has a gap inbetween it! :O

So here's a video showing that if Tanya delays her Rekka's, the EX third Rekka has a gap inbetween it too! :O

Also, you can option select a backdash rather than an armoured move if you don't have meter!:

Just trying to help,

Frame data source:
mkxframedata.com -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tU7Hqk8VtuEM3Pj1T4pKY-4dAuiO-Lkh6N4kStJGAxY/edit?pli=1#gid=1368063880


@AK L0rdoftheFLY
@Rip Torn
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Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Sometimes I get things wrong. Sometimes what I say or share isn't totally viable or gimmicky. If this is the case, then please, let me know - I'd like to know your thoughts and to learn just as much as you!


Rip Torn

First things first, to my knowledge (I haven't tested at max delayed Rekkas which shouldn't ever be uninterrupted) Rekkas are NEVER plus on (standing) block and therefore it's YOUR TURN to press buttons and apply pressure, you should be stuffing her attacks unless you use a slow normal.
Secondly, if she doesn't delay the regular Rekkas and they jail, you should always be able to punish. The Rekkas in this order: DF2~DF1~DF2 are as followed on block: -12, -13, -28. If Tanya ends with EX DF2 on the last hit of her Rekkas then she's -7 (some characters can punish, ie Reptile) or if she starts with EX DF2 then cancels instantly into DF1 she's -4 (nobody punishes that).
A couple clarifications:

DF2~DF1~DF2 are actually: -7, -11, -23

If she does the max delay rekkas, the last hit is actually plus. Probably like +2, but that is with the maximum delay on each rekka.

The actual tech is good and should work though. Good stuff.


Option selecting armor for possible gaps is pretty known at this point, but the problem is if you're option selecting a special that is unsafe on block, you can possibly be punished if the Tonfa Swipe's recovery is faster than your special moves start up, so it essentially becomes a baiting tactic if the player is good enough to realize you're using an option select.

OS'ing armor is a good tool but it can be risky, if the player realizes you're doing it. And if they get the bait once, you'll think twice before trying it the next time, and then it becomes a mind game for the rest of the set where the risk reward isn't too favorable(it's not as if you're going to be opened up and Tanya doesn't have guaranteed options from being +2, and you could be full combo punished and waste a bar).
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Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
OS'ing armor is a good tool but it can be risky, if the player realizing you're doing it. And if they get the bait once, you'll think twice about going for it the next time.
yea and tanya doesnt have to take much a a risk if she wants to make a guess opponent is doing that.
ex tonya swipe having two hits of armor has been well talked about but i think less talked about is the fact ex tonya hits twice on 1st rekka.
hits twice, 2 hits of armor, made safe with second rekka. it so god damn strong of a move

good stuff on the video though scott!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
A couple clarifications:

DF2~DF1~DF2 are actually: -7, -11, -23

If she does the max delay rekkas, the last hit is actually plus. Probably like +2, but that is with the maximum delay on each rekka.

The actual tech is good and should work though. Good stuff.
Huh, I guess the mkxframedate.com project is outdated then. Can @Temjiin @smokey confirm this?

Yeah yeah OS punish, it was known,.. NOT THAT SIMPLE.
I disagree on how simple it is lol :p

Option selecting armor for possible gaps is pretty known at this point, but the problem is if you're option selecting a special that is unsafe on block, you can possibly be punished if the Tonfa Swipe's recovery is faster than your special moves start up, so it essentially becomes a baiting tactic if the player is good enough to realize you're using an option select.

OS'ing armor is a good tool but it can be risky, if the player realizing you're doing it. And if they get the bait once, you'll think twice before trying it the next time, and it becomes a mind game for the rest of the set where the risk reward isn't too favorable(it's not as if you're going to be opened up, and Tanya doesn't have guaranteed options from being +2).
Huh I wasn't aware that it was known, my bad. I suppose the mind game is better than Tanya doing what she wants every time. Good point!


Huh I wasn't aware that it was known, my bad. I suppose the mind game is better than Tanya doing what she wants every time. Good point!
Always good to post something helpful, even if it's known. And it's not like it's useless, just wanted to say there's risk involved, and that there is something Tanya players can do to counter it.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Always good to post something helpful, even if it's known. And it's not like it's useless, just wanted to say there's risk involved, and that there is something Tanya players can do to counter it.
Yeah for sure, it's pretty cool how deep the yomi levels can go just from one special move though at a high level of play. :)

RIP his data and wasting time making a thread :DOGE
Lol i cri evrtim

Didn't take long though tbh. Got dem keyboard skills


Huh, I guess the mkxframedate.com project is outdated then. Can @Temjiin @smokey confirm this?

I disagree on how simple it is lol :p

Huh I wasn't aware that it was known, my bad. I suppose the mind game is better than Tanya doing what she wants every time. Good point!
We can't really test, we only have the game data to go by... if any mistakes are spotted and tested we'll amend anything that needs amending.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
@Scott The Scot
Damn, you actually posted something useful, im disappointed. :DOGE

Already knew that and blow up many Tanya players with EX RK ;) Still useful thou.
I think I'll go back to being a troll, this "honest guy" persona can't last forever. You'll be pleased again :DOGE

Cool, I didn't know everyone knew about it. Saw REO and other Tanya players abusing delayed Rekkas so thought I'd lab it then this is what I came up with. Works with any special move :)

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
First of all, this is fantastic information for people to see in video form. Even though it may be known, nobody does it and people need to start knowing when to contest her.

Second of all, there is a new meta that arises with this counter. Df2 is -7. That is only punishable by maybe four characters. Even so it is difficult to punish by those 4 due to not knowing if I will go for the next hit. Many times I can bait movement from my opponent and punish just like staggering a string.

If I go for the second hit, you know that you can either armor the gap or punish a blocked df1. You can also punish the 3rd hit. But if I delay the third hit and MB it, I can often break armor attempts.

This is fantastic info and it evolves the meta and actually makes Tanya players think. I HATE auto pilot offense that always works.

Thanks for the tag.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
First of all, this is fantastic information for people to see in video form. Even though it may be known, nobody does it and people need to start knowing when to contest her.

Second of all, there is a new meta that arises with this counter. Df2 is -7. That is only punishable by maybe four characters. Even so it is difficult to punish by those 4 due to not knowing if I will go for the next hit. Many times I can bait movement from my opponent and punish just like staggering a string.

If I go for the second hit, you know that you can either armor the gap or punish a blocked df1. You can also punish the 3rd hit. But if I delay the third hit and MB it, I can often break armor attempts.

This is fantastic info and it evolves the meta and actually makes Tanya players think. I HATE auto pilot offense that always works.

Thanks for the tag.
No problem for that tag, I couldn't not tag you when you made the original guide for tanyas Rekkas!

I found that if Tanya delays the EX df2 as the third hit, you can armour out of that too or probably backdash it.

The Magician

According to my sources...
A couple clarifications:

DF2~DF1~DF2 are actually: -7, -11, -23

If she does the max delay rekkas, the last hit is actually plus. Probably like +2, but that is with the maximum delay on each rekka.

The actual tech is good and should work though. Good stuff.
Only the last hit needs to be close to max delay to be +2.


Blind justice....
Did we just figure this out. Jesus this should've been known forever
It was, same with Kenshi TF whiff. People just doesn't care. They don't want to bother. If they can't deal with it ... NERF IT. Why bother with frame data. :DOGE

Also Tanya can be bait and punish on so many things.... Don't get me wrong she is a good character just not as good as many people think. Some MUs are really rough for her.
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