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[ANGRY RANT] Just finished Mass Effect 3 for the first time

[20:50] *** FrothyOmen has joined #testyourmight
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[20:50] *** Security sets mode +o FrothyOmen
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> FUCK
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> MASS
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> EFFECT
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> THREE
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> it's all EA's fault
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> the ending was perfect
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> until i found out that i didn't get the perfect ending
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> becuase i didn't play online
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> because i didnt pay for their shitty online pass
[20:50] <@FrothyOmen> for their shitty online game
[20:51] <@FrothyOmen> Thank god for youtube so I can at least see the "true secret ending" for ME3
[20:52] *** FrothyOmen sets mode +v Gruntypants
[20:52] *** FrothyOmen sets mode +v PureYeti
[20:52] *** FrothyOmen sets mode +v rev0lver
[20:52] <@FrothyOmen> this is fucking bullshit
[20:52] <@FrothyOmen> i feel raped
[20:52] <@FrothyOmen> 6 years of buildup to the finale
[20:52] <@FrothyOmen> shit upon
[20:52] <@FrothyOmen> becuase EA is greedy
[20:53] <+Tolkeen> yup
[20:56] <@FrothyOmen> You needed 5,000 "war assets" in order to be able to get the perfect ending
[20:56] <&CrimsonBelgium> lol
[20:56] <&CrimsonBelgium> frothy didn't EA update the game with a new ending
[20:56] <@FrothyOmen> I had 6,000 and was like "sweet, i've checked all the loot guides, i have found literally everything I could given my choices in the past games"
[20:56] <@FrothyOmen> but my "galaxy readiness rating" was 50%
[20:57] <@FrothyOmen> meaning I only got 3,000 of those points for the final battle
[20:57] <@FrothyOmen> whenever I tried to bring that up it just told me "system unavailable" so I figured "oh, i have to get near the end of the game before that opens up. cool"
[20:57] <@FrothyOmen> so I get near the end
[20:57] <@FrothyOmen> and it's like LAWL 5 MISSIONS IN A ROW NO BREAKS INBETWEEN
[20:58] <@FrothyOmen> turns out i have to play online and achieve a very high rank to make my galaxy readiness rating better
[20:58] <@FrothyOmen> makes no fucking sense whatsoever
[20:58] <@FrothyOmen> but I guess EA figured people would do exactly what I Just did, get mad, then buy an online pass and play online just to get that better rating then play through the game a second time so they can get the better ending
[20:59] <@FrothyOmen> CrimsonBelgium They added an extension to the ending
[20:59] <@FrothyOmen> Never changed it, just showed more "things" in the attempt to make you feel like your rape was by a smooth 12" dildo instead of a spiked one
[20:59] <&CrimsonBelgium> ahh ok
[20:59] <&CrimsonBelgium> roflmao
[20:59] <&CrimsonBelgium> that's a hell of a description
[21:00] <@FrothyOmen> yeah i feel like bioware and EA = kano
[21:00] <@FrothyOmen> raped me
[21:00] <@FrothyOmen> then told me "no charge" and spit in my face
[21:00] <&CrimsonBelgium> roflllllmao
[21:01] <@FrothyOmen> The ending wasn't even bad
[21:01] <@FrothyOmen> It made sense and was perfectly acceptable
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> ah ok
[21:01] <@FrothyOmen> but it's the fact that mine wasn't "perfect" that irritates me
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> people were *pissed* off
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> LOL
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> so what do you have to do
[21:01] <@FrothyOmen> I did fucking everything
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> to reach the perfect one
[21:01] <@FrothyOmen> play online
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> loool
[21:01] <&CrimsonBelgium> are you serious
[21:01] <@FrothyOmen> which requires me to spend $9.99 on an online pass
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> yes did you even read my rant
[21:02] <&CrimsonBelgium> lol met me go back
[21:02] <&CrimsonBelgium> I just saw the part about readiness rating
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> fucking
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> there isn't even enough experience points in the game
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> like
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> I got to level 55
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> the max is 60
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> i did E-VE-RY-THING
[21:02] <@FrothyOmen> they pulled the same shit with mass effect 2
[21:02] <&CrimsonBelgium> rofl
[21:03] <@FrothyOmen> you were able to get 90% of the way through level 29/30
[21:03] <&CrimsonBelgium> frothyomen about to become an online superdemon
[21:03] <@FrothyOmen> but the only way to level all the way up
[21:03] <@FrothyOmen> is to buy all the DLCs
[21:03] <&CrimsonBelgium> you are going to be the angriest online player of all time
[21:03] <&CrimsonBelgium> lol
[21:03] <@FrothyOmen> thats where the last of the XP is at
[21:03] <@FrothyOmen> fuck you
[21:03] <@FrothyOmen> i hate everyone


Online Punching Bag
The thing I thought was retarded about the ending was all the choices I made in part 1 and part 2 were pretty irrelevant to the ending. You basically get option A, B, C and with max assets you get a little extra, woopdi friggin doo. The game itself I enjoyed, So for me part 1-3 was like 120 hours of goodness and 15 minutes of headshaking and disappointment.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I never got around to downloading the new ending. I still feel too betrayed to give that game another glance.
They basically halved the required rating a while ago, and you can reach max level in one run with an imported character of max level in the previous game.
That, or just do a NG+.

BTW, the endings(Besides refusal) were terrible. <.<

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
It's an "RPG" ... or so they would have you think. Your choices are supposed to matter... but, in the end, they make no difference at all. After ME1 I was extremely excited for the series, but I ended up being very disappointed in the series.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
And this is why Isaac Clarke is the only gun-toting spaceman for me.

The Marker <3
Indeed, Dead Space is amazing, however ... it's a different genre entirely and so forced endings and linear-ness are to be expected when being a TPS Survival horror game. In a western rpg... they aren't supposed to be that way.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Indeed, Dead Space is amazing, however ... it's a different genre entirely and so forced endings and linear-ness are to be expected when being a TPS Survival horror game. In a western rpg... they aren't supposed to be that way.
Oh, I know...for all the mess you have to go through for a game of ME3's size, that's pretty shitty.

And I understand Frothy's pain. Brother Box did the same damn thing. Complete with indescribable rage.


Reptile the other green meat
what do you expect from a game company that releases the same football game every year?