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An Injustice ESGN fight night? (Hypothetical)

Jeremy KO

*insert kotal kahn gibberish here*
If there was an ESGN type show where 8 players from all different regions play each other in FT7s until there is one player left standing, but instead of Street Fighter it would be for Injustice, what players would you like to see?

How I would do it is taking 2 of the best players from all the best regions (Tristate, midwest, Atlanta, and SoCal)

From Tristate I would pick KDZ and REO.

From midwest I would pick GGA pimpimjim and Forever King

From Atlanta I would pick Pig of the Hut and Saltface

and from Socal I would pick Emperor Theo and Tyrant.

Who would you pick if this theoretical show were to ever exist?