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An In-Depth Critique of Injustice: Gods Among Us

(This is quite long so there's a TL;DR at the bottom.)

First of all, this is not meant to be a insult to this game and to those who play it. These are simply some of my observations about the game meant to promote some discussion about what are some issues about the game and how they could possibly be remedied.

To begin, this critique will focus primarily on the online aspect of the game. I respect the offline scene greatly, but a large portion of those who play the game have no access to a good arcade scene. So many of these points I'm going to make may not be known to those who play this game primarily offline.

To start, in almost every fighting game, there are always more mediocre players than good players. Few players will ever reach EVO-level skill. I have always considered a fighting game's online ranked system a method to facilitate this process; by extensively playing online, one should ,in a properly balanced game, grow in skill level. They should lose to more skilled players and beat less skilled players. Now, not all fighting games do this well, but Injustice is especially bad in this regard.

We all know its relatively hard to match players with others of similar skill. A lot of fighting games struggle with this. However, Injustice seems to make no attempt at bothering. Upon starting the game, ranked match has no issue with matching someone that has a 4 win - 10 loss record with someone who has 600 win- 239 loss record. Unlike in Street Fighter 4 or UMVC3, there is no semi-reliable method of checking an opponent's skill. 600 wins mean nothing if they were won against day 1 players. Sadly, the best criteria for skill level in Injustice is player rank, which ranks purely by wins, not by win/loss ratio. This means someone with 800 wins- 1000 loss is higher ranked than someone with 700 wins- 100 loss.

Already this is bad for those who play this game primarily online. They have no true indicator of how good they're getting. Are they growing more skilled? Or is the person they're fighting simply unskilled? Yes, truly skilled people will appear, but this inhibits their growth. Many players, more than in most fighting games, will think they're skilled simply because their gimmicks in a match allow them to beat most players.

In a game like Street Fighter 4, one would eventually rise high enough where players would soon force them to adopt better tactics and gameplay. Ken wake-up Shoryuken will eventually be punished. However, in Injustice this may not happen. Someone who relies primarily on gimmicks may lose to the skilled player now and then, but ultimately beat a large portion of players because Injustice will match them with good and bad players alike, meaning that players who rely on gimmicks will not be forced to adopt better play.

Furthermore, another potential flaw within Injustice is its incessant keep away. Maximillian, a prominent fighting game player, noted in his Online Warrior series that the current meta of Injustice is that of the Keep Away-Zoner. Keep away in of itself is not a bad thing. However, in most fighting games, keep away is balanced in that either good keep away requires complex inputs and timing or keep away does minimal damage on chip or hit. Street Fighter 4 fireballs serve as a good example. Chipping is a threat to be sure, but one never feels that they are in danger of blocking too many fireballs. In Injustice, however, many characters can effectively pressure with keep away alone, some having high chip damage specials, or specials that hit high or low.

To add to this, Injustice has added environmental tools as well. Certain characters can throw unblockable objects that take up a certain portion of the screen that do 20-30% damage. These can be used multiple times in the same stage. This affects gameplay so much that stage selection has a large factor on certain match-ups. Most Catwoman players, for example, would not like to fight Black Adam on Watchtower or Metropolis, stages with plentiful throwable interactables. This has led to many players simply relying on just keep away and interactables to win. And many of them do.

Now, again low-level players relying on relatively skill-free tactics is nothing new in a fighting game. However, this problem is noticeably worse in Injustice due to the fact that these tactics are especially effective due to the nature of the game and also that these players upon winning, are not funneled towards more skilled players to fight. To be honest, I think that among the high level, offline scene those who rely on primarily keep away will eventually be punished as more of the game is discovered and optimal combos are mastered.

However, on the online scene, there's simply too little incentive to take that path. To give an example, one player plays Deathstroke and another plays Catwoman. Upon playing Deathstroke, the player realizes he can play keep away quite easily as well as punish get-in attempts or cross-ups with many of his specials. Most of this he learns how to do in the first couple days. The Catwoman soon realizes that in order to beat players like Deathstroke, she has to learn effective blocking tactics. Learn proper blockstrings. Learn optimal punish combos. Learn how to use untechable knockdowns in order to then learn her vortex game.

Catwoman has far more to learn in order to compete with Deathstroke at a low to mid range skill level. Now fighting games having characters that have different learning curves is nothing new. But when 9-12 characters can effectively play keep away as opposed to rushdown, some of them being able to do both fairly well, one begins to see that, at least for now, Injustice favors keep away/zoning-centric gameplay over aggressive, combo-centric rushdown and mix-up. Also, a question that hasn't been answered yet due to the immaturity of this game, is that when a rushdown character is fully mastered, will the disadvantage of their non-keep away play style disappear?

We've seen what happens when fighting games favor a play style or group of characters too heavily. Most competitve players end up using what allows them to win consistently, this being more excessive the more unbalanced the game is. An example would be MVC2, which was a fun game, but became so unbalanced, high-level tournament teams ran 80% of the time Cable/Storm/Magneto. It was a fun game, but if you played to win, then you were limited to less than half the cast.

I don't believe Injustice is as unbalanced as MVC2, but as it stands now, its simply not rewarding skilled play enough. At low to mid range currently within the game, one quite can go far with by simply spamming projectiles, using high priority specials such as Deathstroke's sword spin to get away from pressure, and using interactables interspersed with their keep away pressure. Hopefully, through careful patching, balance can brought between keep away and rushdown, so every character is made viable instead of somewhat viable. People who aren't a fan of keep away may turn away from Injustice if this style of gameplay remains dominant in the current scene.

Evo will be a good time to see how the early Injustice scene will pan out. Will the top 20 be mostly keep away characters? Will the matches mostly consist of people zoning each other? Seeing how it pans out will reveal much of Injustice's flaws.

TL;DR: Injustice ranked system flawed, does not match players with similarly skilled players. This allows the growth of stagnant skill-free keep away game play, which in is too overly effective in Injustice. This could possibly result in a competitive scene mostly consisting of keep away characters and tactics.


Zoning Master
Who are these 9-12 characters that can only win by playing keep away? Please let me know.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook

But I DID read your TL;DR

To which I respond that the zoning is only strong in the early days of a fighter and will fade away as time passes by. Have you not seen tournament results recently? CD just won with Doomsday, not in a million years will I ever see Doomsday as a "skill-free keepaway" character.


Goro Lives 
Who are these 9-12 characters that can only win by playing keep away? Please let me know.
I suppose he's referring to these characters: Deathstroke, Superman, Black Adam, Sinestro, Raven, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Cyborg, Green Arrow (possibly), Harley Quinn (??), and... can't think of anyone else.

To which I respond that the zoning is only strong in the early days of a fighter and will fade away as time passes by. Have you not seen tournament results recently? CD just won with Doomsday, not in a million years will I ever see Doomsday as a "skill-free keepaway" character.
When has Doomsday been a "keepaway" character?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Wait what?
What happened to players who punish players who tries to go for interactables?

How is the game supposed to tell you that you're getting good at by playing other ppls online? Does SF V does this? didn't knew this one.

You know you're good when you become one with the mechanics within the game
Superman due to his lasers is one of them. Raven is another character. Black Adam of course. Green Lantern. Aquaman with is pop up trident that can go full screen. Deathstroke of course. Ares can also play effective keep away. Sinestro of course. Nightwing is not a true keep away character, however due to his air batarangs and his shock attacks with his staff and batons. Cyborg. Green Arrow is not suppose to rely on keep away but people still try, strangely. Killer Frost and Harley are both mediocre at keep away but can be somewhat effective at low-level gameplay.
Wait what?
What happened to players who punish players who tries to go for interactables?

How is the game supposed to tell you that you're getting good at by playing other ppls online? Does SF V does this? didn't knew this one.

You know you're good when you become one with the mechanics within the game
Street Fighter IV has a fairly effective ranking system. When you win a ranked game you gain a certain amount of two sets of points. One set of points will always go up regardless of whether you win or loss. This measures your experience with the character. The other set of points goes up with each win and goes down with each loss. When matchmaking, the game tries to pair you with people who have a similar amount of the latter set of points. While not perfect, one feels that their skill is increasing as their get consistently matched with better players as their 'skill points' increases. When they lose, they are then matched with slightly worse players. This leads to proper challenge and gives an incentive to get better at the game.


Last Bastion of Arcades
The real issue isn't matchmaking its input delay. The reason scrubby tactics will carry you far is because the huge input delay makes zoning a pain to get past and makes anything except single hits and specials unreliable, it make anti-air a nightmare, and it makes mid to high execution characters worthless.

Second no matter the game the top of a leader board is always people gaming the system. Rarely someone talented will be high on the leader boards (Viscant in MvC) but I would say that in most games most players of high rank are abusing the system somehow.

That's why we hold tournaments in person and why online tournaments are a joke. But honestly it's frustrating to try and take online seriously, it's basically a whole different game with a whole different tier list.

If it matters that much to you pick Doomsday. He can't zone but he's foolproof online. Hell df2 is almost literally unblockable, and in decent delay you can't dash Novas on reaction.


Zoning Master
Superman due to his lasers is one of them. Raven is another character. Black Adam of course. Green Lantern. Aquaman with is pop up trident that can go full screen. Deathstroke of course. Ares can also play effective keep away. Sinestro of course. Nightwing is not a true keep away character, however due to his air batarangs and his shock attacks with his staff and batons. Cyborg. Green Arrow is not suppose to rely on keep away but people still try, strangely. Killer Frost and Harley are both mediocre at keep away but can be somewhat effective at low-level gameplay.
Cyborg, Deathstroke, and Sinestro are the only characters from your list that can win by doing nothing but zoning. The others have absolutely nothing to do with zoning.

Killer Frost and Nightwing as zoning characters? Are you kidding me? Where do your information from? The GameFAQs forums? Using several projectiles at some point during the match does not make a character a zoning character.

All of the characters but three that you mentioned are ironically only "somewhat effective at low-level gameplay" in terms of zoning. Perhaps your "in-depth critique" reveals more about your lack of ability to play the game than it does about the game's flaws.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Street Fighter IV has a fairly effective ranking system. When you win a ranked game you gain a certain amount of two sets of points. One set of points will always go up regardless of whether you win or loss. This measures your experience with the character. The other set of points goes up with each win and goes down with each loss. When matchmaking, the game tries to pair you with people who have a similar amount of the latter set of points. While not perfect, one feels that their skill is increasing as their get consistently matched with better players as their 'skill points' increases. When they lose, they are then matched with slightly worse players. This leads to proper challenge and gives an incentive to get better at the game.

Hmm, i see, virtua fighter has a similar system.

However, if Injustice match making doesn't care about who is matching, this feature will actually be useless, i remember of see a game where players where matching each other to rank themselves up (Tekken Tag Tournament 2) which once i've seen that imediatly felt disgusted on how players where managing this stuff.

I do not consider myself a genius in fight games, but i'm not below above average as well, and i believe there is a lot of players in every corner of the world who can't just enjoy this system due lack of online development, sometimes you lose your matches not because you suck, but because the online play is terrible in most of the cases, and you're not able to play properly, situations you normally wouldn't even allow it offline, becomes annoying when playing online (players spamming moves thinking its safe, players using lag tactics because its online, punish, reads, and combos timing extremely screwed by lag).

It happens to a lot of ppl, as much as online is the now the core of playing due the lack of arcade scene or community offline scene, playing online will hardly be the same as playing offline, one thing is playing online due lag time (like spamming projectiles to keep away in injustice or simply using interactables) and other thing is do not allow these kind of games offline because of lag input and reaction free (approaching deathstroke much easily, punish players going for interactables without build defense, punish dash in atempts on reaction)
I don't believe Injustice is as unbalanced as MVC2, but as it stands now, its simply not rewarding skilled play enough
It's funny that you criticize MVC2, but that game had many obstacle, zoning, and traps that are deadly or just as deadly Injustice. Low level zoning was effective in the first year of MVC2 as well. However low level don't matter what matters is the high glass ceiling rather how advance Injustice/MVC2 could get.

There many characters in the beginning of MVC2 that had same types of zoning, and keepaway you seem to complain about so much. If MVC2 were to exist at a modern time like now, I believe that people would demand Iceman, Cable,etc to be patched. Sentinel/Magneto took quite a lot of work before they became top tier. They had to put as much as work as you are complianing about Catwoman putting.

I think people need to wait it out before being so certain that Injustice will be completely favored to keepaway. . Like Superman, Batman, Black Adam, Hawkgirl, etc have vanilla/just small zoning tools. Black Adam doesn't have a zoning game as strong as Green Arrow, Deathstroke, and Sinestro.


Noob Saibot is BACK!

But I DID read your TL;DR

To which I respond that the zoning is only strong in the early days of a fighter and will fade away as time passes by. Have you not seen tournament results recently? CD just won with Doomsday, not in a million years will I ever see Doomsday as a "skill-free keepaway" character.
Nice to see Flynt Flossy being represented