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Allow me to introduce myself

B W1zZ

Whats up classicmk? I'm B W1zZ, but some know me as "The Wizard". I'm a co-leader of a clan called The Black Dragon, and have followed the communities known as MKU and TYM since 2006.

I first became aware of the high level MK community right before the start of MKA, when I received an invite from Quest2be1 to join MKO, before everyone branched off of that website.

During the prime of MKA is when I met greenanaconda aka AREZ GOW, where the both of us had endured many epic battles. We had decided to join forces and I accepted AREZ request to join The Black Dragon.

We have since recruited many prominent members of the MK community, such as Dark Rob and a beast known as Miss Spin from UMK3, just to name a few. Also I have forged the website we call home.

I am currently retired from the 3D MK games and have been playing more Street Fighter games along with UMK3, awaiting MK9 to hit the shelves.

I play on MAME, GGPO, and XBL if anyone wants some games, my screen name is usually B W1zZ on XBL and GGPO, and B W1zZ or W1z4rD on MAME.

The current games I play/will play:
UMK3 (Juggernaut version on MAME)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Super Street Fighter 4
And just about any fighting game.

Hit me up here or on The Black Dragon site if you want some games, I look forward to battling high level players.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
B W1zZ said:
Thanks for the Welcome Rob ;0 and yes, awesome site...nice loading times as well.
Hey...uhm, I don't mean to sound like a dickhole over here, but what did you do to get your avatar and sig set up?

EDIT: nvm, i got it.....i used direct link instead of IMG code


Chuck Fiasco said:
Im new here. Havent play any MK in about 7 years. Im psyched and prepared for MK9.
Great to see you found your way back to it then, welcome on board :)