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Advise/Help for Players New to Tournaments

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
This is for players just starting to compete. Any regular tourney player can ignore this completely or, better yet, post some better advice with preparing for tournaments because I need all the help I can get.

IGAU has given me cause to start going to events again for the first time since BBCT. With NEC around the corner, I went to a regional for some experience and made a lot of mistakes (felt like being new to offline all over again). I wanted to share mistakes to hopefully help other players who are planning/new to a competitive scene. More importantly, I hope anyone with advice will post as well.

1. Get you a lag free monitor. I spent my first several (million) casuals relearning the timing for everything. I looked free, and couldn't do basic stuff, since I was used to playing on living room type tvs. This might sound dumb, but going to a lag free monitor absolutely changes execution timing. It took till the evening when my execution was back on point.

2. Don't play online to practice for an offline event. This was my biggest mistake. I played online for hours the night before and all it did was solidify warped execution and scrub tactics. It's easy to forget that what might work best online is not a viable option irl. Online warriors with 10,000 wins and 3 losses might be in for a surprise if they aren't aware a lot gimmicks will just get blown up. There isn't a netcode in the known world good enough to make a fighting game the same game on and offline.

3. Bring a converter. Go order one right now. Always good to have around.

4. If someone arrives at top player status (i.e. without a stick) and you lend yours: you are a nice person, but be prepared to lend it out 5 more times and needing to borrow one yourself when you're on and it's in use.

5. Know every, every, every matchup at beyond competent player level. Because Murphy's law. I went in knowing the top 5 MUs well (at high level). I only knew others from online randoms. What happened is I spent most of my time fighting a strong Lex and got mopped up. I knew what Lex did, but I didn't know what the attributes were of the 3 levels of his trait, and I couldn't hit confirm anything because armor rattled me. I didn't know which enders were plus on block so I got caught mashing like a scrub. Same happened against a Bane. All the matchup posts in the world don't apply here. If two players are a similar level, the player who has to adapt the least/adapts the best, wins. Watch videos, learn their dirt. Poor research bodied me and we can expect to see more unused characters as the game matures.

6. Headphones. If you're like me, you play worse with people standing behind you analyzing everything. Say your opponent catches you in a combo, reset, combo. At home, you can hold it together calmly looking for a window and reverse the pressure. If people are calling out advice, etc. you might attempt something stupid like starting your own pressure to show you're not free, and rushing it, and getting countered. Headphones help tune out the noise so you can play focused.

These were the mistakes I made and that I'll correct before NEC. I would be in the debt of any experienced players who could offer further advice for the rest of us mortal randoms. I hope this helps.