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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Here in Louisiana, we have Mechacon taking place a week or so from today. At the convention, one of the games that they will have offered to play in a tournament is MK9. I have never played in a fighting game tournament before, let alone one with people I've never met. My mains are Mileena and Ermac. My online performance is pretty abysmal, but I'm told that online success is not indicative of the competency of the player due to bugs and lag and such.

So does anyone have advice for a guy just starting in his first real tournament?


Target Acquired
Practice practice practice. Offline if possible, I would go with Mileena if I were you. Ermac is just too easy to beat.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Practice, play to win, and stay calm. And play kung lao, not mileena or ermac. Im jk! Have fun, and if you can, get video of yourself playing so that you can realize where you make your mistakes and become predictable. good luck


Here in Louisiana, we have Mechacon taking place a week or so from today. At the convention, one of the games that they will have offered to play in a tournament is MK9. I have never played in a fighting game tournament before, let alone one with people I've never met. My mains are Mileena and Ermac. My online performance is pretty abysmal, but I'm told that online success is not indicative of the competency of the player due to bugs and lag and such.

So does anyone have advice for a guy just starting in his first real tournament?
Same here in my local tourney, just be confident, trust your skills, and keep in mind everyone is defeat-able. A 12 years old beat tom and almost won the undercart tourney, so who knows what can happen. :D
I recommend you if you some trouble against certain characters, to look the match up discussion threads for ermac or mileena. I will help to be certain. Good luck, i will be also attend my first tourney, which Tom brady is the special guest :/


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Make sure you know Kung Lao's combo strings, because you'll probably have to defend against them.