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Actually reflecting on mk9 - reliving the history


What's a Smarrgasm?
So as we all know, Injustice comes out a week from today. Three days from then will also be the 2 year anniversary of MK9 (the game we all know and love). So i wanna take this time to start this thread as a look back on all the best things we can think of for MK. Ill post mine later but id like to have this thread as a remembrance of the game so far (CAUSE ITS NOT DEAD YET).

So what were your favorite MK moments from the last 2 years? It can be anything. Lets see if we can compile an awesome thread of stories from our experiences as we await injustice and the future of MK9 itself.

I also wanna give a shoutout to EVERYONE at NRS, the community, and especially the ATL guys. This past year especially since i joined and started playing competitively has been awesome.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
8 Times MK9 Angolan Champion, i've meet a lot of nerds, and lots of good ppl who surely put further my vision about games and tournaments, as i gave them an open mind and made them discover love for MK9, i'm not even sure if this game will die until MK10 be released here in Angola, ppl just want to keep playing even when Injustice comes out.
I think it's pretty crazy to see how this game and the people who played it developed over time. The way MK9 is played now is really different from last year, and the year before it. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I still think it's pretty amazing.
  • Story Mode.
  • Defeating people with Kratos, and a variety of other characters throughout the game's lifespan. (Well, I didn't start playing as Kratos until around August, 2012)
I am a meaningless online player. ; - ;

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Detroit gave me a sandwich once.
PL gave me a sandwhich once, I'll never forget it.
Was close to being the Perfect sandwhich too.

Personally, EVO and SVB have been my favourite tournaments. Feel like I owe the community alot, and obviously I do, so I help the scene most ways I can


Impact Clash(THE HYPE OF ATL), FinalRound15 and 16 all tied for my favorite tournies, there's never been a GA tournament that I didn't enjoy (16 was a little worse cause I was sick, but I still enjoyed meeting so many different people!).

Raleigh for runner-up because I got my back blown out by the two Kings.:p

Southern Kombat super honorable mention, first tournament i've ever gone to. Pig of the Hut hosted that tourney, and i'll never forget it. Meeting a bunch of the big name ATL MK players for the first time like LordoftheFly, Cyusstrike, D-QueBeats, Beeneeweenies, Clint the Beast, etc. Also convinced me to go to the school i'm going to now so I could be closer to the scene.

I love MK9. It showed me what the players told me when I was just an online warrior in the MKDC days, "Go to a tournament, there's nothing like it." And it's true, there's nothing like going to a tournament.

Even if I keep going 0-2 at every major I go to