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About character-specific intros


So we now all know that Mortal Kombat X is (finally!) getting character specific intros, for every single character combination, including mirror matches, which is simply incredible, that's like almost 600 different intros! However, give me your opinion on this, but I think we may be seeing even more intro goodness.

So far, in the two gameplay sessions we've seen, the P1 character always says the first line, then P2 answers and P1 concludes the intro. That makes me think, what if every possible combination actually has 2 variations? (excluding mirror matches) Like maybe, Sub is being more menacing than Scorp when he is the first to speak, I dunno.

What are your thoughts on both the character-specific intros and the idea of the importance of who's P1/P2?


bye felicia
As a longtime story follower, I am absolutely thrilled at how much personality this one change infuses into the characters. Boon tweeted that even mirror matches have unique dialogue, so we should be able to find out a ton about what the characters are thinking. A real first for the series.


It's also cool that when the first guy comes in you can already see his/her opponent. It looked kinda silly in MK9 when the first fighter says his quote and THEN for example Sektor teleports in. It's much more immersive now.