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Question - Summoner A suggestion to balancing Summoner


What are you on? I said he can definitely be armored out of it by most of the cast and he can maybe be poked out of the setups with charged B2. The reason I said maybe is cause I'm sure I saw a video about it but I haven't bother to lab it myself properly yet. If you know a guaranteed setup then let me know, but as far as I'm aware none have been found yet.
But then surely Quan ..
can counter tech roll, or any other thing people see as a free way out, to make the opponent think twice about trying to escape the setup.



xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I just remember looking through your thread about his BNB s- is this not updated?:
4/EX Stab-4/EX Discs~B2/Close Trap~B2/Stab Away-[Snag]~Disc-4/Stab - 53% ???
Yeah...it used to do 60%. It's meh to me...especially if you don't have the execution for it.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
It's clear noone has pseudo unblockables as easy to set up as Quan, but if Hunter does manage to make the opponent respect the hard to blockables, which he can, they're just has hard to block as Quan's are. We just don't get why people are only pissed at Quan's and noone else's? If it's just how easy it is to setup people aren't saying it very clearly.
Then also fix Hunter's pseudo unblockables?


Unless someone states otherwise, 60% in the corner isn't possible.
Well I don't main Hunter and in your thread I see 55% as his highest for 2 bars in the corner. I think I have seen @SonicFox5000 do more on his stream post patch, but don't quote me on that.
Still 53% midscreen and 55 % isn't far off from what I was saying. I wouldn't call it spreading misinformation.
And in regards to Quan I am suggesting in the OP a similar scaling to his normal bat so that he can only get 50-60% with two bars.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So people are saying that you cannot escape once Quan has you.

But if he does b2 into mb rune into another b2, you can armor

If he does low into rune at any part of the string, you can armor.

If he attempts the NJP set ups, you can dash out.

If he attempts the delayed b2 set ups, you can jump or stand jab out.

Are these not escape points?

Now true, he can switch it up as he pleases, but that doesn't stop tge opponent from making a read and trying any if these options.

If you're too afraid to challenge the Quan player, of course you're never getting out.

Also, having to guess after a knockdown over and over again via Sonya, Cassie, etc isn't much better. You have the option of an armored wake up, but that's no less of a guess than the situations I described. If your wake up is baited you're punished and put into the same situation again.

Without meter, wake ups are quite easy to stuff with basic normals. So if you have no meter, your best option is delayed wake up, which doesn't actually get you out of the corner. This is on top of most characters' NJPs and NJKs jailing into 50/50 starters.

Speaking of Pred, didn't he have set ups with MB Smart Discs that broke armored wake ups? Do they still exist?


So people are saying that you cannot escape once Quan has you.

But if he does b2 into mb rune into another b2, you can armor

If he does low into rune at any part of the string, you can armor.

If he attempts the NJP set ups, you can dash out.

If he attempts the delayed b2 set ups, you can jump or stand jab out.

Are these not escape points?

Now true, he can switch it up as he pleases, but that doesn't stop tge opponent from making a read and trying any if these options.

If you're too afraid to challenge the Quan player, of course you're never getting out.

Also, having to guess after a knockdown over and over again via Sonya, Cassie, etc isn't much better. You have the option of an armored wake up, but that's no less of a guess than the situations I described. If your wake up is baited you're punished and put into the same situation again.

Without meter, wake ups are quite easy to stuff with basic normals. So if you have no meter, your best option is delayed wake up, which doesn't actually get you out of the corner. This is on top of most characters' NJPs and NJKs jailing into 50/50 starters.

Speaking of Pred, didn't he have set ups with MB Smart Discs that broke armored wake ups? Do they still exist?
Yep! http://www.testyourmight.com/threads/hunter-trap-that-breaks-armor-new-setup-revised.54186/


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
That is what I am saying it is the same level of bullshit)

But it's not. According to TYM, 50/50s that lead into plus on block launchers that grant another 50/50, which after a knockdown lead into another 50/50 are okay.

Erron Black, Cassie Cage, Spec Ops Sonya, Shinnok are all honest characters.

We, The Quan Community, are vile baby flesh peddlers that clearly conspired with Paulo to get buffs to Skull and Bat Spark and B2, despite no one in the forums ever asking for these specific things.

It's all our fault and we should be ashamed of ourselves.


We, The Quan Community, are vile baby flesh peddlers that clearly conspired with Paulo to get buffs to Skull and Bat Spark and B2, despite no one in the forums ever asking for these specific things.
Please can we not pretend like Quan Chi is the only character anyone ever complains about, or that he's any smidgen more "honest" than any of the characters you mentioned?
You're also the most rabid defenders of all your tools.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Please can we not pretend like Quan Chi is the only character anyone ever complains about, or that he's any smidgen more "honest" than any of the characters you mentioned?
You're also the most rabid defenders of all your tools.

Are there five different nerf demanding threads in YOUR character forum?

I thought not.

Must be The Quan Chi Illuminati.



You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Not really because by and large most of those forums aren't as rabid to the idea of nerfs as you guys seem to be
If we're rabid, it's because we keep getting beat down by the same talking points over and over again.

After the third thread, I think we fully understood that our character is great.

Did we need two more?


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Not really because by and large most of those forums aren't as rabid to the idea of nerfs as you guys seem to be

You see, we even try to help players.

I've talked about armoring the low string into rune before.

The common response from The Nerf Demanders?


In two different threads, I left my gamertag to anyone wanting Quan xp.

The Nerf Demanders' response?


Fanaticism goes both ways.


@Rude is right.
Instead of crying for nerfs, why not ask us for games?
I'd be more than happy to help with the match up.
There's a difference between hard-to-blockable and un-blockable.
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My blades will find your heart
Then his midscreen bnbs would cost 2 bars. This whole talk of not being able to summon a bat mid combo is ridiculous, I hated the low bat being mid bit even I'd prefer that to this.

All he needs is a lot more damage scaling on all his bat attacks, and a universal nerf to hard-to-blockables. And seeing as people are hella overreacting to his D1 just bump that back up a few frames on the startup to keep people happy.
They just need to get rid of the hard to blockable and nerf his unbreakable damage. I dont care how they do it.

Also I dont think most people care about the 6f poke as that realistically doesn't change his game too much. What people were really pissed about was the autoblock removal of bat which leads to 50% unbreakable combos.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Fixed it for you :DOGE.
Actually I just think he needs more damage scaling off mb rune so that he gets around 40% unbreakable max for 3 bars. It's almost the same as b2 into x-ray so the end result is the same, but people won't be dicks about it.
Think whatever you want.

You can also think its safe to peak your head into one of Quan's portals...

Its not, but feel free to think that it is.


Your hole is mine!
They just need to get rid of the hard to blockable and nerf his unbreakable damage. I dont care how they do it.

Also I dont think most people care about the 6f poke as that realistically doesn't change his game too much. What people were really pissed about was the autoblock removal of bat which leads to 50% unbreakable combos.
Maybe the posters, like you, who seem to understand the game think that. There's been so many misinformed people ranting and complaining in the Quan forums though it's crazy.

I agree with you btw, but I'd be pretty bummed if Quan's hard-to-blockables were removed and not everyone else's though, when the unblockable protection should just be upped a few frames.