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A new age of Mortal Kombat players

Considering/hoping that this new installment will have a better practice mode and tutorials than the last MK, how many of you feel that newer players to the series will have an easier time leveling up, because of the training aids that would be provided? How much more fierce do you think the competition will be than the previous game?


Alone is where to find me.
A street fighter like tutorial would be nice - a 20-25 step tutorial for each character where their specials, important normals and strings, and maybe a couple of BnB combos are taught. If the tutorial sheds some light on how the character is supposed to be played (rushdown, zoner, etc) even better. This can make the game a lot more accessible to newcomers.
New Age... lol we are all new age
I agree and disagree. It really just depends on how you interpret the meaning of the term and how you view time. If MKX keeps the core mechanics from MK9, then players who are accustomed to that system or one of similar games, then I most likely wouldn't consider them to be a new player. If of course a person that hasn't played MK for years is going back to this one, or a generation of players new to fighting games emerge, one could easily classify them as new age players.


That Welsh Guy
Here's the bottom line, If you want to be among the top players like many of the guys I see here, YOU WILL WORK to be one of them no matter what practice mode you're given.

But we're going to have a plenty amount of people who learn one or two combos think they're shit hot at the game and rage when they can't win, think zoning is just "spamming" and generally don't want to learn or understand fundamentals because they believe it's just about the combo's you know and the buttons you mash to get there.
Here's the bottom line, If you want to be among the top players like many of the guys I see here, YOU WILL WORK to be one of them no matter what practice mode you're given.

But we're going to have a plenty amount of people who learn one or two combos think they're shit hot at the game and rage when they can't win, think zoning is just "spamming" and generally don't want to learn or understand fundamentals because they believe it's just about the combo's you know and the buttons you mash to get there.
Very true. It just helps when developers give you a helping hand in the process. That was one of my major gripes about MK9 since I only played online, didn't have any offline friends that liked fighting games and training mode sucked.


That Welsh Guy
Very true. It just helps when developers give you a helping hand in the process. That was one of my major gripes about MK9 since I only played online, didn't have any offline friends that liked fighting games and training mode sucked.
For sure and that's great, but it's not really going to increase the number of good dedicated players still, It's happened countless of times I head online fight some guy who's 0-0 and he knew nothing of the game what so ever, like people just head straight online with no real knowledge of how to play.
it's a shame really, or people learn one combo but they can't preform it because you know how to get people away and punish properly unlike them, Wish it would have a fundamentals tutorial lol

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
As all MK games that cames out, i will play everyone in the cast, and as in MK9 after playing everyone in the cast i will see the ones that adapts to my style the most and will main them.

in MK9 having multiple mains wasn't as much rewarding because you would run troubles to players that are true mainers and dominated all their matchups.

I can't wait to see what the new breed will bring on, independent of how MKX plays, Skarlet is now my favourite character, gud luck to whoever picks her up and main her. :)


Chode Juggler
For sure and that's great, but it's not really going to increase the number of good dedicated players still, It's happened countless of times I head online fight some guy who's 0-0 and he knew nothing of the game what so ever, like people just head straight online with no real knowledge of how to play.
it's a shame really, or people learn one combo but they can't preform it because you know how to get people away and punish properly unlike them, Wish it would have a fundamentals tutorial lol

Fundamentals tutorial? Its called...playing a lot, against other good players. You cant learn that with a tutorial
Wish it would have a fundamentals tutorial lol
That's exactly what developers should be showing players among other things. It shouldn't be some guessing game. Even though I understand that new tech can be found at a later point in time, fundamentals should always remain. That's why I really think it's important to hire good testers and to take community gameplay feedback seriously. Especially before the game is released.


Chode Juggler
That's exactly what developers should be showing players among other things. It shouldn't be some guessing game. Even though I understand that new tech can be found at a later point in time, fundamentals should always remain. That's why I really think it's important to hire good testers and to take community gameplay feedback seriously. Especially before the game is released.
You cannot just complete a "mkx fundamentals tutorial" and then 'have' good fundamentals...tutorials are meant to show the mechanics of the game not how to use those mechanics....wth do good testers have to do with an end-users fundamentals...


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Here's the bottom line, If you want to be among the top players like many of the guys I see here, YOU WILL WORK to be one of them no matter what practice mode you're given.

But we're going to have a plenty amount of people who learn one or two combos think they're shit hot at the game and rage when they can't win, think zoning is just "spamming" and generally don't want to learn or understand fundamentals because they believe it's just about the combo's you know and the buttons you mash to get there.
I have to disagree with this, MK9's shitty training mode is the biggest thing that hurt the game's growth IMO, and is probably the main advocate behind why it took so long for some information to be uncovered. I don't think it's a coincidence that those who had family with equal understanding of the game or a huge local scene like VSM or GGA were generally the most consistent high placers.

That's not to say there aren't those that rely on misinformation to justify their inadequacies as an individual player, just wanted to clarify that.

By the way, zoning has been taken out of context ever since Vanilla SF4 Sagat lol, that's an FGC-wide issue. Although I suppose it doesn't help that M2Dave antagonizes it here.


Alone is where to find me.
Here's the bottom line, If you want to be among the top players like many of the guys I see here, YOU WILL WORK to be one of them no matter what practice mode you're given.

But we're going to have a plenty amount of people who learn one or two combos think they're shit hot at the game and rage when they can't win, think zoning is just "spamming" and generally don't want to learn or understand fundamentals because they believe it's just about the combo's you know and the buttons you mash to get there.
Tutorials are not aimed at players aspiring to be pro, they never are. They are for new players trying to learn the game or for casual players wanting to get into a decent level quickly. Without a helping hand some of these players will often get frustrated and leave the game altogether.

I started playing multiplayer MK9 with a bunch of guys who also play Street Fighter 4. So at first half the time I had to sit idle since they split the time between the two games and I didn't play SF4. So they suggested me to learn it so that I didn't have to sit idle. Even with those SF4 tutorials it's a massive undertaking but without them I wouldn't even attempt it.
Fundamentals tutorial? Its called...playing a lot, against other good players. You cant learn that with a tutorial
I'm not sure I agree. If they make the game with fairness and structure in mind and the developers show you what you should or shouldn't be doing, based on their current knowledge, (like how Virtua Fighter displayed when you were at a disadvantage from a move and showed you the frame amount) then this will help the player a lot. Of course, just as with gameplay patches, tutorials can be updated too if need be for the metagame.


That Welsh Guy
In reply to everyone I'll revert you back, If you WANT to be good you'll dedicate yourself to learning the game no matter what tools the game hands you end of.
tutorials are meant to show the mechanics of the game not how to use those mechanics
Wait what? Why couldn't/wouldn't they be the same?

Edit: What I'm also asking is how are fundamentals different from mechanics? Can't they both be seen as the same thing since they are designed with a goal in mind (or at least should be)?
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