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A limo pulls up...

The Duke

SCF The Duke
~*Out steps him, who's waited for this moment. Flashing lights,the roar of the crowd, and that feeling of "epicness". Stretched before him was what could only be described as a long crimson river, it seemed to go on forever, with on end in sight. This was no water, whoever. This elongated path was none other than the infamous Rep Carpet.

Taking a step, noting the material's smooth texture, allowing him to glide a bit.
As much as he wants to get a running start and pull of a signature Lin Kuei move, he must remember to uphold a proper status for his career. Taking a deep breathe and exhaling soon after, he begins to walk. The flashing lights seemed to be more like gauntlets rather than what they actually are:cameras.

Halfway through the journey across this vast red carpet, the sound of fluttering paper began to ring in his ears. Though a little irritating painful at first, he knew what was happening...Autographs need to be signed! Whipping out a feather pen
(making a few heads cock to the side with this move) and with the swiftness like Zorro, he signs with a fancy yet sloppy "D".

A young woman who manages to escape the confines of the velvet barrier and thrusts a microphone in his face. With a big smile on her face she anxiously asks a question:"Mr.Duke, after your successful directing/leading roles in "Runs With ROFLs" and "Derp:The Movie" you are easily one of the top dogs in the game.
What brings you to TYM?

Smiling softly, he answers. "Simple, I'm here cause I'm here, no specific reason at all." The woman who obviously was a reporter, could only respond with a "Eh?".
"Now if you will excuse me, I must take my seat for the special screening of my next film: Tits or GTFO." She gasps, giving him a firm slap across the face and yelling "pervert" as she storms off. He chuckles lightly, thinking to himself. "Yea, the ladies love me".*~ XD