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A guild and sets/training partner (s) - ps4


It's all so very confusing.
Seems like this forum is acceptable for this?

Anyway, looking for a populated, competitively focused guild. I want phat guild box lewts in addition to a group of like-minded players.

And... Finally getting time to PLAY this game more than sit and stare at it. I'm terrible. Looking for training partners of any skill level. My mains change on a whim but I've been playing Catwoman since release, Crow since wake-ups/Whiteboi and some Hood since his release. Probably picking up Canary a little too.

Ps4. Located in the USA, Kentucky to be exact. So kinda central/east coast, though I have a good connection that can handle most distances.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Seems like this forum is acceptable for this?

Anyway, looking for a populated, competitively focused guild. I want phat guild box lewts in addition to a group of like-minded players.

And... Finally getting time to PLAY this game more than sit and stare at it. I'm terrible. Looking for training partners of any skill level. My mains change on a whim but I've been playing Catwoman since release, Crow since wake-ups/Whiteboi and some Hood since his release. Probably picking up Canary a little too.

Ps4. Located in the USA, Kentucky to be exact. So kinda central/east coast, though I have a good connection that can handle most distances.
You can join mine. We have hella active members and constantly have rewards. We were ranked as high as top 97 before and I'll kick sumone for ya bruh.


Dojo Trainee
big_aug is my PSN

I'll play any time I'm on. I have lots of friends i added from TYM, but no one ever plays. Need people who actually play the game on my friends list. I hate playing against people who don't know the game/matchup. I hate winning when I know the other person isn't doing anything right lol.

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
You know I'm always down to play you. I'm in my local scene's guild and...it's dead, but the training partner thing, yeah I can do that.

PSN: SecondSaint01


It's all so very confusing.
You can join mine. We have hella active members and constantly have rewards. We were ranked as high as top 97 before and I'll kick sumone for ya bruh.
Awesome, my PSN is EntropikByDesign i think, lol. Should say like John Rodwell and the icon is a skull with a scythe through it.

I'll get you guys added asap. I need to figure out how to use all the social/friend features on the PS4, I have no idea how. Does PS have voice chat and such?

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Awesome, my PSN is EntropikByDesign i think, lol. Should say like John Rodwell and the icon is a skull with a scythe through it.

I'll get you guys added asap. I need to figure out how to use all the social/friend features on the PS4, I have no idea how. Does PS have voice chat and such?
Yeah I will add you when I get home. And I'll give you the guild id as well

Yeah sure. I'll give you the ID when I get home


It's all so very confusing.
Online ATM if you're available for that guild invite @x TeeJay o

Will also send some friend requests. I'm at work so can't play matches really , I can try, but I'm so in and it with work stuff I may have to leave in the middle of a round. Which is no fun for anyone.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

My guild = the Advent Kombat Alliance. the AKA, an uprising of fighters motivated by the horrors of our past lives to fight for a better future.

Willing and happy to do battle with anyone who wants to wage war. all fights are good fights if you learn from them.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I'm down to join a guild with some TYMers. Currently, just in a random one. I main GL, but am trying to pick up Darkseid as a secondary.

I'm in London, but I get good connections with east coast US, and actually moving to NYC in a few months
I'm already part of a cool guild, but I'd love to run sets with all of you. I haven't had a chance to play the game online as much as I'd like, so I want to get into the hyperbolic time chamber with you all and learn Canary.


ball roll enjoyer.
Also interested in sets, PSN: hatyr-

I'm not great (51% win ratio in ranked, ha) but want/need to get better. If any of you are around the same caliber of player, I'm on a lot an always down to play.


Searching for an alt.
I'm always down for matches on psn: Dr_Morganstien if you ever see me on don't hesitate so send and inv and be amazed at how little I know about my mains of Beetle and WoWo

PS4 has a "party" feature and it's just voice chat essentially


It's all so very confusing.
I'll get on asap. Currently no internet while they replace a line and some other crap here. Hopefully will have connection back in an hour or so and I get need names added and see if I can get that guild.invite


It's all so very confusing.
Request sent.

Sorry for not sending any game invites out recently. Had an unexpected shitstorm at work then had an early 4th of July thing to do this weekend. Back now though.