Pig Of The Hut
Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I'll sign up, Name: Isaac
Can I get in on this? Sarkis(if a boy)/Hilde (if a girl). @Decay @Vak Phoenix for art swag.
I'll sign up for this, this is awesome haha.
Name: Angus
Sign me up.
Name: Alaric
I would like to enter.
Name: Megatron
I want to enter for the name your son tourny. Psn is newyorkpizza_ name: Brant (that's right going for gold)
Sign me up
My name would be Jahnny
Sign me up.
Name: Kahn
I'd like to enter
Psn- EmoScoobyDoo
Name- Torr
How do we sign up? If just by replying then I'll join. I'll be fighting for the name "Balthazar".
Sign me up psn: CoolChameleon_
(If there's room)
Name: Augustus
If there's room I'll enter.
PSN is the same as my TYM.
Name: Aaron(coincidentally I play Erron Black but my real name is Aaron)
Sign me up:
Name: Breadquanda.
psn: vsm_rev0lver
name: jonitti
psn: InsignisX
name: JimBeam
This is really cool and oddly sweet Brant.
You probably have already met the player limit, but I'll throw in what I would name my kids.
Male: Roman/Alexi/Dominic
Female: Natasha/Natalia/Naomi/Elena
I'll enter.
Name: Takeda
If not full, sign me up.
Psn: RM_NoBrows
Name: Pistachio
If there are still openings I would like to play on Sunday. PSN: JGleez Name: Kenshi
Count me in, ill be fighting for the name Cecil
I'll enter.
Name : Dalton
PSN: n9195v
Don't know if there is still room, but I'd like to enter.
Name: Austin
PSN: London_Gentleman (I'm in USA, don't let the name fool you)
Not 100% sure if I'll be able to but I really wanna be in this if there's room, psn is zoofs. Name: Bill
PSN: Emperor_Eevee
Name: Takeda
Making challenge nowCan someone PLEAZEe play for me
Boy, Neo
Girl, Rain or Raine
live 8:30-8:45 est ish
Join room Pig Tourney on ps4 around 8:30 est
single elim