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80 People in Dallas Area Being Monitored for Ebola

They don't have Ebola. They are being monitored for it because they may have come in contact with the man in the time frame since when he was diagnosed.


being monitored =/= having the virus.

There is one confirmed case in Dallas.

My parents are in Dallas, not worried at all.

Shit happens but I absolutely believe it'll be contained, unless someone else runs around a Wal Mart puking blood all over the customers


You do know Africa is a big fucking place right?

Africa isn't a country ... and dafuq kind of comment is "All due to Thomas Duncan for wanting to visit his family from Africa." ? So if you have family ANYWHERE in Africa, you shouldn't visit them?

Sick of people and their narrow minds about Africa man.
You do know Africa is a big fucking place right?

Africa isn't a country ... and dafuq kind of comment is "All due to Thomas Duncan for wanting to visit his family from Africa." ? So if you have family ANYWHERE in Africa, you shouldn't visit them?

Sick of people and their narrow minds about Africa man.
His family is here in Dallas. He came from Africa. It does sound confusing so ill edit that aha


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I'm not worried, but I'm also not in Dallas (for the record). Anyway, you need to come in contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person to get the virus, so unless (like someone else said) he's going around puking blood on people, or if he's peeing/pooping blood on people, or they are having sex with him while he's infected, you'll be fine. Sorry for being so graphic, but yeah, Ebola is not as easy to get as the flu.