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4.6% of Developers Are actively making Wii-U titles. #Bust

yah thats kinda there problem, they don't think of any other developers besides themselves, because really, they make money on just there own games. and as long as they are making money they will still be in business.

just because other developers can't or don't know how to make games for there stuff has never stopped them before, does it make it a desirable system for a hardcore gamer who plays multiple game types, hell no lol.

i honestly keep forgetting that injustice will be released on it lol.
The other problem is that they're trying to differentiate their product so much to stray from what Microsoft/Sony are doing that it is becoming difficult for 3rd Party developers to also make cross-platform games for Nintendo.

I consider this a problem because 3rd Party developers have to rely on the sales of only their software, so you see a lot of cross-platform stuff that only exists primarily between (PS3 and XBox 360).

And I would imagine with next-gen, Nintendo will continue to fall behind in a hardware sense that you will see the same trend occur (PS4 and XBox 720 cross-platform titles).

I predicted last generation that this would be a difficult console generation for Nintendo given the level of success the Wii had last generation. I have to imagine there is a sense of buyers remorse from last gen and a lot of skepticism moving into this one. This is why Nintendo needs to prove they are first and foremost still some of the best game developers around.
It's amazing how little resources the Wii has, it's actually less than the previous generation of consoles competitors in a lot of areas ( http://game-consoles.venturebeat.com/q/33/4866/How-much-RAM-does-the-Nintendo-Wii-game-console-have-installed ). Seeing a multiplatform game being developed on Wii, PS3 and 360 is funny because you get to see all of the tradeoffs that have to be made for the game to even work on that shitty console. Particle effects like dust clouds are replaced by little more than animated gifs and it's the developers problem to make it look semi-realistic using physics trickery.

I have the utmost respect for all of the developers that can make a solid game on that system. Wii-U has 8gb of ram and that is much more than I expected them to put into it and probably about 5000% more than than all of their previous consoles combined.

Wii had 88mb of total ram. Enormous jump from current gen 88mb - 512mb to new gen 8gb seems to be the standard (until 720s specs are announced ;))
If I had to guess, the 720 specs will be somewhere in the ballpark of the PS4 specs. The Wii-U will be roughly half as powerful as both systems, which is going to make this even more of a problem going forward.

I also think internal storage will begin to become more of a problem for Nintendo moving forward. I don't know why they keep sticking to Flash RAM and SD cards.

Tim Static

I am a Nintendo fanboy, i admit. I bought WiiU on Day one, and I've been satisfied with what I was expecting. I wanted first and foremost, Mario in HD. Score. I got ZombiU which is pretty awesome, although has its issues. Very unique game. I wasn't expecting much else, since Nintendo does things on their watch. They don't care what Sony or MS is doing. Thats fine. Thats why I also have PS3 & 360. Why would you want these consoles all to completely mimic each other? WiiU is my Mario player. PS3 is my Blu-Ray/Netflix/Uncharted/God of War machine. Xbox is my online/fighting game console.

Sure Im the first to admit Nintendo's software for the WiiU is lacking big time. Mario can only carry them so far. With that being said, the WiiU, along with the PS4 & the next Xbox are all at least a year too early. Still doesn't matter because SteamBox will destroy the console as we know it :coffee:


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
Nintendo is also facing issues with what they did with the Nintendo 3DS. They said multiple times they will not lower the price and at some point they had to. Many people remember that and are on the fence. I personally don't care about the WII-U and the only thing I would buy it for would be New Super Mario Brothers 2 but that would only happen if the WII-U was on a fire sale lol and had a drop in price.The game selection is a waste of time and the tablet is garbage. I don't think it can even support multi touch which is a crime. Also I can't forget when there were reports that running a Wii U with two tablets on caused the system to lag a bit and I believe it 100 percent being that Wii-U is sooo under powered.

I honestly felt stupid buying a Nintendo Wii when it first came out. I honestly haven't touch it in like 2 yrs (since New Super Mario Brothers came out or Donkey Kong Country which was not as good as the SNES ones). Nintendo I have always said are going to stop making hardware since after SNES and N64 but each time I say this i feel stupid. . I honestly am looking to what PS4 and the new XBOX can do and couldn't care about Nintendo's hardware anymore. Would be nice though if I could see Nintendo go 3rd party and buy some of their games I do want to play again but deff not enough to buy a new system from them.


False Information Police Officer
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NetherRealm Studios
I think it was dumb to make hardware comperable to the current gen and saying "YO, we want core gamers" when all that meant was xbox and ps3 titles would be ported to wiiu, knowing full well that their hardware would be shit compared to the rest of the next gen stuff


Shocking Your System
But You cant keep relying on a new product surviving by the same 3 titles each system.

The % of developers is alarming
The first point is very valid, I mean the fact that we have to wait a whole system cycle out of Nintendo to get a new Zelda game or Metroid (I don't play Mario, its not my style) means that not even the first party is actively making games for these things. We got four or five Halo's from Xbox360.

The % numbers I think are not as alarming as they seem. 4.6% of 2500 is about 115 so essentially you've got that many new titles in the works "right now". Now thats not to say, that when compared to 13% of the other two companies (about 325 developers), the Wii U is doing good at all. The 4.6% just kinda looks scarier than it is.


Forum General Emeritus
This news is not surprising. Nintendo really needs to get out of the hardware industry and go the route of Sega; sticking to games only. The big reasons I stay away from Nintendo are both hardware and software related...
  1. Hardware is one generation behind
  2. 3rd party support is horrible. Multi-platform games only on PS3/360
  3. Too many casual games, not enough hardcore titles (note: does not mean blood and gore)
  4. While they innovate many new things, the other two systems eventually end up doing it better


Administrator and Community Engineer
The Wii U was launched? When did it come out? <---- This sums up my feeling about the system, and the way Nintendo has marketed it.
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NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Pokemon the MMO would be the WOW killer the world has been waiting for.

They could release an expansion every year, here's how I envision it:

Year (1): Island 1 (Pokemon #1-151)
Year (2): Island 2 (Pokemon #152-300)
Year (3): Island 3 (Pokemon #301-450)
Year (4): Island 4 (Pokemon #451-600)

And so forth.

If they built social interactions into the game, tournaments, etc. The game would be ridiculous.

Hell, i'm sure they could get away with a monthly subscription model for the game in addition to selling each expansion at $60.00 a pop.

Imagine if this game was a Wii-U launch title with the touch screen controller. They wouldn't be able to keep these things on the shelf, and it wouldn't matter that they don't/won't have any games for the rest of the fiscal year.
lol i'd buy it. Man Im' a nerd.
Why this hasn't happened yet? Is there a legit reason? The possibilities for that game is just.... insane.