Who will be the EVO 2015 Mortal Kombat X Champion?
Another African American 
Will Injustice make the main lineup for EVO 2015?
I'm going to say no on this, as much as I like the game. 
If so, who will be the EVO 2015 Injustice Champion?
If it is there, SonicFox
Who will be the first to reach EVO top 8 in MK9, Injustice and MKX?
Which top player in either game that hasn't ever placed at EVO will finally do so in MKX?
If we are talking top 8 for EVO I'll say Aris. He's always been close to getting it, but I think he will this year.
Which MK9 player that hated Injustice will do the best in MKX?
Which MK9 player that hated Injustice will do the worst in MKX?
(have no idea haha)
Which Injustice top player that wasn't top in MK9 will do the best?
Which Injustice top player that wasn't top in MK9 will do the worst?
(can't say lol)
Which mid level Injustice player will rise to the top?
Not sure if he fall under the category mid-level but I would say Decay
Will MKX have footsies?
Although I feel NRS has been notorious for crazy specials that hurt the neutral game in some aspects, I feel the game will definitely have footsies, without question.
Which scene will be the strongest?
Considering the amount of Tekken/SF players that want to go in on this game, I'll say the WNF scene. GGA I'm sure will be hella good as well. I also think this year will be a strong showing of the chile scene also, hope they go in haha
Which player will have the longest character crisis?
Will Pig and 16 Bit remain banned from tournaments?
I hope not 
What will be 2015's biggest rivalry?
PL vs. Reo (again)