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2.5 months since news. Hype Status Check.


Crazy Mexican
Well my favorite DC character has already been confirmed (Blue Beetle) so I am hyped no matter what!! My hype would go up for more Teen Titans reveals or a storyline trailer though!

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I get a dwayner every time I think about playing Batman but I'm ready for more characters. I still want Deathstroke, Shiva, and Green Arrow pretty badly.


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Im surprised there wasnt a character reveal for Halloween today...man that would have been hype

Maybe more info to come towards December?
There was a 3 month drought in MKX news during the Quan Chi - Lao period, but I was actually hype back then. Not really hype for IJ2 at all at this point, no character has really impressed me too much, but that might change if Fate is revealed. I'm expecting a reveal next month for sure though.
The hype is nonexistent at this point but I would expect no less from NRS. I'm sure we will see a lot from them in November and December in hopes that they can generate some pre-order sales over the holidays (Black Friday/Christmas). Its all marketing strategies and even if you think NRS isn't good at anything else, you've gotta admit that they're great at finding ways to get our money!

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
this isnt the same as the MKX drought. its been almost 3 months and we got zero news at New York Comic Con which was a huge red flag and no news at TGS while IGAU had reveals for both events. theres a good chance the voice actor strike set the game back and its almost guaranteed the game is behind and wont be out in April.

I dont think its NRS just not putting info out i think they literally cant because theyre behind schedule. at this point im just hoping the game doesnt get cancelled or delayed til 2018


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
If they just keep revealing shit constantly before release there won't really be any hype, you have to trickle information make sure it is in the back of everyones mind then a couple months before release start showing off a BUNCH of stuff so hype is major, it is the basics of marketing. Basically not blowing your load too early.


Filled with determination
I mean I guess I'm not hype but it doesn't matter if they show anything until release, it's not like I'm not gonna buy it.