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1CT((DeadLine: Friday The 13th))

I lost to Kramer :(

Always happens everytime. I even beat PajaroMajor 8 times the Game before. I mean, he beat me 24 times but hey 8)

I had Kramer 5-3 In the practice games but as usual I mess up because I get nervous during tournies. I always do. I hate it. I lost 0-3 after winning 5-3 in the practice rounds. Every time man...

Ah well. GG.

EDIT-I just realized I was playing Either Black Exile or Nightshowers next. It would of either been a great Kitana VS Kitana or a great Ermac VS Kitana. Either way it would of been fun.
abc ur dead0 said:
Always happens everytime. I even beat PajaroMajor 8 times the Game before. I mean, he beat me 24 times but hey 8)
PajaroMajor beat me about 20 times in a row today, no contest. He beat my like I never played the game before. I think I won maybe twice.
His Kung is Beastly. After playing 10 straight it was about 5-5, I was Kitana every time and he was Jax. You start to see patterns, and then you counter them. For example, Everytime I jumped back and threw a Fan he would run and Sweep. And it would catch me all the time until I saw it coming so I would Switch it up. Maybe Jump back with no fan and then I would sweep, or start up Kitana's Low kick combo.

It was still no contest. After I stopped using Kitana I got owned until I started using Sub and Got about 3 wins in.
TheLord Phoenix UMK3 said:
TheRedPsychosis said:
By July 2nd or on July 2nd? 'Cause I'm going to Virginia from tonight until the 1st..
By july second. If you do not play your match youll get a DQ... sorry
When do u wanna play me i kan play tonight if possible jus let me know here or PM ME NinJa Lord
TheLord Phoenix UMK3 said:
HuBBsDoctor said:
stahan said he is gonna drop out, but I will instead. Connection issues.
What do you mean? You don't want to play b/c the connections bad? If so than ok. But who wants to advnce?
the issue is we can't connect or join each other's game. But let stahan advance.
shit Qui, i can't play you tonight because of a sweet 16 and tomarrow im going to the castle golf tournament. Tell ya what, i'll play you first thing in the morning or if i have time tonight and your on around 11:30-12 ish I can play you.

Sorry for the delay - Send me a f request on XBL. MiSleD RawR