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1CT((DeadLine: Friday The 13th))

TheRedPsychosis said:
QuiGonZel said:
TheRedPsychosis said:
QuiGonZel said:
pshh, if you're on here, send me a friend request. Gamertag QuiGonZel

I'll be on this afternoon and evening.
Hopefully she won't juggle you like a mad-chick- :shock:
She usually does.

At least she doesn't Kano sabre-swipe me in the corner repeatedly because I'm too stupid to block and do a low kick.

Ya jerk. :p
Haha, I think it's an infinite if timed right actually, I comboed it four times for 64% on some newb scorpion today.

I was really scared though, thought your Shang was gonna finally kick my ass >.>
Be afraid, be very afraid.

I'm getting better :p (in my own mind)
man so sorry guys i have no idea when is the deadline but my internet is down and im over a friends house and prolly wont have internet till sunday sorry AGAIN!!!
Friday the 13th

I'm pushing the Final deadline back to Friday, July 13. ( Friday the 13th )
But for:
Pshhh, and QuiGonZel
blk albm, and freeisgood, you all need to PLAY!
Your DEADLINE will be Monday, July 9 11:59 pm. If you still have not played by then, I will be forced to issue a DQ on whoever is responsible.

The Final 8 matches are to be done by Wednesday, July 11


Also the thread topic has been changed to:
1CT((DeadLine: Friday The 13th))
I was online for over 13 hours on Friday and online for a long time on Saturday. No sign of pshh.

How am I supposed to play against someone who's not online at all?


I'll take psshh's spot if he'she doesn't show. Sign me up for Reptile.

QuiGonZel what's your gamertag? I can play tonight.
Blk Albm, you were on yesterday but too early dude. I get off work late and so my time is at 11pm-2am central time. I'll be on tonight again at 11pm - 2am. Lets get this over with.

DARXYD3 said:
I fucking hate shang tsung. GGs Qui.
Dude, GG's.

You have a great Kabal. I'm just happy to play decently against your Reptile.

Some of it was luck on my part. Although I would like to think I have SOME skill. :p
DizGirlWillOwnU said:
hey i didnt get any message from the guy i was gonna fight QuiGonZel
so what does this mean we both get DQ?
The door swings both ways.

You never made any effort to contact me either, even after I left a message in this topic about sending me a friend request. I was online over 13 hours on Friday, at least 8 hours on Saturday and last night was on from 7 PM EST until 7 AM this morning.

Didn't see hide nor hair from you.

If you're still on, maybe we can get our matches done tonight.

Reply ASAP to this topic.
Dude, I don't think you need to forfeit. Pshhh's internet was out for a few days as shit happens. I think if you guys get the match done tomorrow, Phoenix should be understanding.