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100 Days Countdown to Mortal Kombat 1 (Forum Game)


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
100 Days Countdown to Mortal Kombat 1


  • Post an image into the thread that contains the number that represents the current day of the countdown to MK1 Release Date.
  • The image must contain the exact number or the words for the exact number of the day of the countdown. So 1994 is not ok, but '94 is.
  • It DOES NOT need to have the word "days" in it
  • Simply post an image, any image, that is not a simple photoshop, that contains the numbers or words for the number that matches the day of the countdown
  • Comments are welcome, even if you do not post an image, though with images would be better!
Let's use this site as a sync....
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