
  1. D

    Question before i buy MK11

    Okay so i was wondering how good the MK11 connection is on ps4, I recently quit smash due to lag 70% of matches so i was looking to switch to another fighting game and mk11 looks amazing but before i buy it i need to know if there's a lot of lag like in smash. Are there settings were you can set...
  2. D

    Remote Play

    How many of you here have ever tried playing on remote play? The lag is obviously insane. As an above average player, it's unpleasantly humbling to get your ass handed to you by the scrubbiest of folks this way. Has anyone improved the responsiveness of remote play on the ps4 at all or is this...
  3. Misky

    SALTY Forcing a lag out so you don't take a loss on ranked

    Okay so I haven't seen anyone discussing this so I figured I'd make a thread to rant a little. It would be one thing if it was one guy doing this but it's not; I've seen at least 3 individuals I could name off hand purposefully causing a game to lag out just before they lose so they don't take...