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  1. Ra Helios

    Injustice 2: Next New Character Reveal - 2/23/17

    I mean their will be 9 new dlc characters in the game so why you mad?
  2. Ra Helios

    Injustice 2: Next New Character Reveal - 2/23/17

    My point thank you for agreeing with me
  3. Ra Helios

    Injustice 2: Next New Character Reveal - 2/23/17

    Why you not complaining about swamp thing and poison ivy?
  4. Ra Helios

    Injustice 2: Next New Character Reveal - 2/23/17

    I told you already. Iconic character
  5. Ra Helios

    Injustice 2: Next New Character Reveal - 2/23/17

    Catwoman is a iconic character so how can she possibly be a wasted slot? You can't have batman without robin or nightwing, and you can't have batman without Catwoman. These character are popular characters that definitely a must have to be put in the game. I definitely want starfire to be in...
  6. Ra Helios

    Pre-Release Catwoman Discussion Thread

    Her face is cringe worthy when I watch the trailer but you are right. At least they tried to make that catwoman arkam look.
  7. Ra Helios

    Pre-Release Catwoman Discussion Thread

    I think neatherrealm was trying to go for a Arkam City look to catwoman but failed miserably ( her face). The costume is on point though but her face!!! Needs work. They was trying to mimic the look of arkam city catwoman but failed.
  8. Ra Helios

    Pre-Release Catwoman Discussion Thread

    Catwoman hitbox will be like
  9. Ra Helios

    Black Canary Revealed for Injustice 2!

  10. Ra Helios

    Black Canary Revealed for Injustice 2!

    lol. Wonderwoman is the best looking female character.
  11. Ra Helios

    Black Canary Revealed for Injustice 2!

    And stance
  12. Ra Helios

    Black Canary Revealed for Injustice 2!

    How they presented this character is Ass and could possibly suck but I'm going to give this character a chance. This character will be main if catwoman isn't in the game. They could had made her face look more finer instead of making it look cute if you know what I mean.
  13. Ra Helios

    Post here if you have no beta code

    I honestly don't even care anymore. The hype for this beta died for me because I haven't yet receive it
  14. Ra Helios

    New Injustice 2 trailer. "Lines Redrawn", Brainiac & Robin Screenshots, Order Bonuses, and more!

    to bad slippery when wet won't show up in this game @Rickyraws What was you doing @Rickyraws waiting on Facebook to ring a notification so you can be the first one to post on testyourmight and get front page?
  15. Ra Helios

    [UPDATED] Holiday IGAU PS4 Competition

    Balding sign up? I am surprise about that because he complains about the ps4 controller analog stick being so terrible.
  16. Ra Helios

    Injustice: Gods Among Us now backwards compatible on the Xbox One

    I want to entertain this Who are you by the way and why you claim to be me?