Groh in SC is hella dumb. Hell, the character is dumb in general. The options he gains in SC are brutal and that he can enter stance from his 4B and 1BB makes him even more annoying.
They're just frame inputs that causes his grabs to flash. You have to do input really fast to get the flash and the just frame versions of the grab do increase damage by 10 points iirc.
They're mostly retired ones that are coming back. Most of them played SCV for like a few months before they dropped it. The only vets there that were active for more than a few months were omegaxcn and Hates.
A lot of the newer, active players like Party Wolf and Xephukai have been helping...
Supers for sure happen often. Doesn't help that they're long and have a small cutscene if you kill an opponent with it. Wish they were short like in SCV. RE's dont happen to frequently for me since i bait them most times.
It can be if you hold it long enough.
It's a unique property to NM. Certain moves will give him access to one soul charge move. Like the explosion armor move he has. If he lands the move, he'll gain access to a small soul charge state. It'll go away if he uses a move that's only SC.
About everything besides GI builds meter. Attacking (hit or blocked), blocking, getting hit, ukemi, RE. But if you want to build lots of meter, you'll either have to use moves that can lethal hit or reversal edge.