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  1. DuskAlloy

    Do you even lift bro? Workout thread....

    This... no seriously this... I think weight lifting is like 25% lifting and 75% eating lol
  2. DuskAlloy

    Injustice Complete Character Tier List + With Rumored Patch Updated 6-17-13

    Well considering how poorly batman writers handle his villains, basically everyone of his villains are b list except for the joker lol
  3. DuskAlloy

    Injustice Complete Character Tier List + With Rumored Patch Updated 6-17-13

    Sorry I just interpreted the first 2 sentences as that, nvrmnd lol
  4. DuskAlloy

    Injustice Complete Character Tier List + With Rumored Patch Updated 6-17-13

    Wait so what your trying to tell me is that KF is a boring character compared to every other character in the game... tbh it's true lol
  5. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    I watched some of his videos, tbh I didnt notice anything that great about him that would make me reconsider steve as anchor
  6. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    I may need to look him up, that sounds interesting
  7. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    Yeah I was wondering because I used to main steve and I never knew anyone who would put him on point lol
  8. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    Wouldn't the order be better reversed, I thought law doesnt need a lot of meter, but I know steve is a meter whore
  9. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    I know that poison is good at building meter but I dont know how good she is all together, but I could of sworn that ibuki isnt great but I might be wrong lol
  10. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    Isnt she one of the worst characters in the game?
  11. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    Well in 3s he kinda is, but atleast he was fun to watch
  12. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    Also what happened to sean, if they actually made him good then he would be a lot of fun to watch
  13. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    Why the hell is alex from SF3 not in this game...
  14. DuskAlloy

    Double Helix Games asks, "What characters would you like to see return in Killer Instinct?" Poll

    But isnt jago supposed to be the boring, generic ninja of this game... or is he the ryu... I can't really tell
  15. DuskAlloy

    easy character for beginners

    Anyone... this game isn't execution heavy
  16. DuskAlloy

    [UPDATED] Killer Instinct Video From 'Late Night With Jimmy Fallon'

    Lol I dont want to get into a debate on the xbox 1 when there are about 3-4 other threads all about that topic
  17. DuskAlloy

    Match-up Discussion I cant handle good Nightwing

    It's not my fault that you cant handle a good dick
  18. DuskAlloy

    SFxT Discussion Thread

    I feel like picking up one of the shotos for an easy to use character that I could switch with my other two characters when I want to play someone different... who is considered the best shoto right now?