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MS going to battle Trolls of XBL on the X-Box 1


BTW the anti troll bill is a way to police cyber-bullying an actual issue in the US linked to many suicides. The law is trying to find a way to better police the internet to reduce harassment and treats without stepping on free speech, they just haven't figured out yet how to do it. The Arizona bill hasn't even been passed from what I seen thus far and it steps too far out of bounds of the Constitution and will likely not even pass.

what constitution? last i checked we already had are rights violated by this nsa program wich i wasnt notified about or even ok'd and yes my argument dose matter since im a tax payer. also bullying will always be around and yea i dont approve of bullying but can you honestly sit there and say that is more important than real crimes like rape ?

this is the marijuana debate all over again


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
what constitution? last i checked we already had are rights violated by this nsa program wich i wasnt notified about or even ok'd and yes my argument dose matter since im a tax payer. also bullying will always be around and yea i dont approve of bullying but can you honestly sit there and say that is more important than real crimes like rape ?

this is the marijuana debate all over again
You are correct bullying will always exist no matter what, you are right the NSA violated their jurisdiction and our constitutional rights, but it was done behind many people's backs and it is being dealt with by the federal gov. What you also need to understand is that it was several companies supplying the NSA with data and that data was collected almost in a legal manner, you have to read your EULA and contracts to understand that they can do what they want with data they collect on you at that company. Currently law enforcement can actually request all of you email activity and trace you online if they suspect you of a crime. This is typically written within your contract when you sign and the state anything you do with said company they have the right to do what they will with that data.