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MS going to battle Trolls of XBL on the X-Box 1


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
We've all had them, hate mail (though I like to refer to them as love letters and fan mail), or annoying 12 year olds screaming insane obscenities in their mic, because they just got owned in a game. Well MS is going to battle in their next console system.

They are going to be implementing a Reputation system for players to rank their opponents performance and overall conduct within a game, so if say some troll is screaming in their mic, how they are gonna rape your whole family, or they are gonna track you down for RL fight, you can promptly grade their rep. down. This will rather than banning these users, will in turn put those of similar rep scores together when it comes to matchmaking and grouping online. In other words the happy folks and good sports will play together, while the trolls and morons will be playing together, online segregation you could call it I guess.

Now we all know their are pros and cons to all things, so here is my take on it.

It can reduce the amount BS us nice and good sportive players will have to deal with, by being grouped with players of good rep. its less likely we will be forced to be subjected to BS hate mail and we wouldn't have to deal with lil Johnny yelling how he will murder us for being good at the game and owning them, or hear the whiner who thinks your a spamming B*tch.

Might make things easier for the online monitors to track down questionable behavior from users that may potentially be playing to lure people to meet them in RL for some devious reason, such as that creepy guy who seems to only wanna talk to young ones and requests personal information from people, or the one's that only play online games meant for lil one's.

It seems a lil lazy on MS' side of the house, but at the same time I can understand, the online monitors can't catch and monitor everything.

If this system is built around the users giving feedback on one another, what will keep it from being used as a trolling weapon. Trolls could low grade good players and nice people simply, because they were beaten.

Seems like a double edged sword in my eyes, what do you all think.

Here is a link to the article:


Filled with determination
Won't work, being a good player will also get you a bad rep by salty people. My reputation on XBL is like 40% pretty much thanks to Soul Calibur 4 and the first Gears. If youre good your rep drops just as fast as being a jerk.


Well-Known Member
Sad that this system can't work. Because just as you all said. Imagine a great Deathstroke player, understands footsies and so on. Can't play in public because the players who would rate him automatically consider him a "spamming pussy." You might only get honest ratings from your friends and a community site like TYM. But that in-itself is a segregation not related to MS.

They could possibly make this better by implementing weights to opinions. If someone has a low rating themselves, their opinion of others counts less.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Terribly system.

I have a mostly negative account without doing anything that is close to trolling. Did I taunt rage quitters? Did I win? Sure. Did that warrant me being put with trolls? No.

Reptile Orion

A Fire Will Rise.
They could possibly make this better by implementing weights to opinions. If someone has a low rating themselves, their opinion of others counts less.
That's not a bad idea. Hope these issues get fixed. It's a bad situation on XBL. I only use my mic when playing against TYM or MKU members because I know their won't be any "crazy" talk. :)


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
MS' leadership really needs an overhaul after the reveal of the system itself, but this is a good step on making XBL a better place for people, I'm unsure which is friendlier PSN or XBL, but a system like this can work, it just may need tweeking here and there to make it work. Again though, your relying on the users and the salty dawgs are gonna be the one's to downgrade, while the good guys will suffer for it. Though the whole segregation thing, if the sallty ones are the ones giving out bad rep wouldn't that mean the system worked by grouping the those with bad rep together. In a way you would see the good players still getting in matches and games together instead mixing with the nasty folk.

IDK, at least they are making an attempt I guess, its a start. Maxintensity25, I like that idea you have perhaps that might be a better way to combat the issue of harassment and moron behavior. I think no matter what your gonna see this crap from salty players, we just have to try to ignore. It sux though, what if my son is watching me play IGAU online and then some tard has come in yelling crazy shit.


why do i get the feeling the bitch from canada who got that one kid locked up is behind this?

i can just see it now
just saying if jokes like that can land people in jail what makes you think it couldnt happen with the new xbl?

i mean with the way the new hardware is ( spy box) it very well could happen

they don't give a rat's ass about their online as it is. death threats,hate mail and racist comments and messages for days.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
That kid is still waiting for a trial and the only reason he has been jailed was for a pending investigation, which his comment did warrant an investigation. I believe him being jailed is BS and all, but the law states that there are words and phrases that are considered dangerous and should not be spoken. What the kid said despite his sarcasm and the fact he said LOL and JK in it can be taken as both and open threat and terroristic threat. Which is why he is in jail and as of now he is on suicide watch currently. He has been convicted yet and is still awaiting trial, which should come pretty soon, because of the right to a fair and speedy trial, he is facing close to 8 years of prison time if convicted. Though I don't see it happening.

I don't think that kid's case had anything to do with this, because according the article I provided it is says that MS has received many requests and complaints about the troll behavior on XBL, this is just a new measure to combat it.

Huffinton Post


That kid is still waiting for a trial and the only reason he has been jailed was for a pending investigation, which his comment did warrant an investigation. I believe him being jailed is BS and all, but the law states that there are words and phrases that are considered dangerous and should not be spoken. What the kid said despite his sarcasm and the fact he said LOL and JK in it can be taken as both and open threat and terroristic threat. Which is why he is in jail and as of now he is on suicide watch currently. He has been convicted yet and is still awaiting trial, which should come pretty soon, because of the right to a fair and speedy trial, he is facing close to 8 years of prison time if convicted. Though I don't see it happening.

I don't think that kid's case had anything to do with this, because according the article I provided it is says that MS has received many requests and complaints about the troll behavior on XBL, this is just a new measure to combat it.

Huffinton Post

no thats pure bullshit. yea what he said was stupid and the cops didnt find jack at the home and yet still charged him let alone specify a time or place.

whatever happened to evidence?

i mean holy shit dude if people cant crack jokes online whats next comedians?


Trolls should go to jail, says Arizona,



Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
just saying if jokes like that can land people in jail what makes you think it couldnt happen with the new xbl?

i mean with the way the new hardware is ( spy box) it very well could happen
Jokes can't land you In jail, threats do, in all actuality if some one sends you threat of bodily harm to you or your family you can have that person arrested and charged for that threat this include online gaming interactions.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
no thats pure bullshit. yea what he said was stupid and the cops didnt find jack at the home and yet still charged him let alone specify a time or place.

whatever happened to evidence?

i mean holy shit dude if people cant crack jokes online whats next comedians?


Trolls should go to jail, says Arizona,

Sure they found nothing at his home, but the police still have to further investigate and try to build a case, it is the law, I am not going to argue, but I have a BA degree in Criminal justice and I do understand how criminal law works.



i have a cousin for a cop and he even agrees this arrest was crap. next

also that is pure crap seeing as there is state lines and all


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
BTW the anti troll bill is a way to police cyber-bullying an actual issue in the US linked to many suicides. The law is trying to find a way to better police the internet to reduce harassment and treats without stepping on free speech, they just haven't figured out yet how to do it. The Arizona bill hasn't even been passed from what I seen thus far and it steps too far out of bounds of the Constitution and will likely not even pass.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
i have a cousin for a cop and he even agrees this arrest was crap. next

also that is pure crap seeing as there is state lines and all
I understand and I agree, but a cop and the courts are two completely different things altogether and the charge is making a terrorist threat, you have to understand what that state's local and state definition is of terrorism. Every federal, state, and local law enforcement agency has their own definition of terrorism to allow them the jurisdiction to combat it.