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Let's start a petition to patch the training mode

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Alright guys, so there's really no excuse for why we haven't done this yet. It's unanimously agreed about in the fighting game community that the trainer is terrible. So, let's get the ball rolling.

I need someone to write up a draft, we'll review the draft, see if there's any changes needed and we'll start circulating it around the kombat network, SRK, facebook, twitter, youtube and everywhere else. We need to get it to the point where NRS can no longer avoid the issue. They may not want to spend the money, but if they want a secured future for their game, then this is a requirement; especially with their aggressive patching and balancing.

Let's get it done!

Please like the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/mobileprotection#!/pages/Petition-to-Improve-Mortal-Kombat-9s-Trainer/180651898660223

iPetition page: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/mk9trainer/

Vulcan Hades

I'm pretty sure NRS are aware of the problems and are planning to fix them and include a dummy recording feature in the near future. (at least I hope so)

But like Tom Brady said before on the STBL stream, right now NRS's priority is making the game balanced for EVO + fixing netcode, online bugs / desync etc. They unfortunately can't work on every issue at the same time.

But yeah, it's still a good idea to let NRS know we want this as soon as possible. It's a very important aspect of fighting games. I agree.


I doubt there is a lot of people still working on this game at NRS, considering how Skarlet was rushed out, a lot of DLC was already on disc/done, or just how long it takes for certain things to get fixed. I'd like it, sure, but I doubt anything will change..

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I doubt there is a lot of people still working on this game at NRS, considering how Skarlet was rushed out, a lot of DLC was already on disc/done, or just how long it takes for certain things to get fixed. I'd like it, sure, but I doubt anything will change..
We gotta try. If this petition reaches 100,000 plus signatures; can they really avoid it?

Vulcan Hades

I doubt there is a lot of people still working on this game at NRS, considering how Skarlet was rushed out, a lot of DLC was already on disc/done, or just how long it takes for certain things to get fixed. I'd like it, sure, but I doubt anything will change..
Capcom greatly improved their replay channel and included a bunch of new features in the AE DLC. Why couldn't NRS do the same? I'm sure it's possible.

To be perfectly honest, I'd rather pay 10$ for a useful and good training mode than for dumb klassic costumes and DLC characters I don't even care about. I mean what's more important in the end? Graphics? Fatalities? Pretty Costumes? Or the actual gameplay and game modes?

I don't know about you guys but I'd rather have a solid fighter with good netcode/training mode than a pretty broken and unplayable fighter with 20 DLC characters, 100 fatalities and 40 new alts. But that's just me.


NRS has been on blast for more tournament options and practice modes since Powerup. They could have easily added something as simple as a better button config system, but outside of balancing and bug fixes, nothing in the game has changed. The stuff people here want will not bring in more revenue, but on disc DLC sure does. At this point, it is better for them to work on the inevitable port of this game, or something else. The only reason they would add anything but paid DLC to this game is if they truly cared about the fanbase...

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I'm estimating that they're going to make at least 20 mil off the 4 DLC characters - that's not including the kostume packs. They should have the spare money to work on polishing the trainer to keep the game alive in tournaments. I want to see MK continue going to EVO, not just this year.

I don't have an inherent problem with them making money off DLC, I just want to see that money provided to secure longevity for this game.


I also do not care if they are making money off it, I'd rather they did than not. But there has to be some balance, fixing imbalances and bugs that should not have been there in the first place is not enough to justify they are fully supporting the game. If there is something people want and they can do and it's simple enough then they should do it. Will they change anything later? Maybe, but I have lost hope because they couldn't even treat the DLC characters as regular cast members. No alternate, no bio, no spot on the character select unless you pick CSZ, basically invisible. I'm forever bitter about this! And not wanting to pay a fee to the console manufacturers (they would have if they made the compatibility pack mandatory) is straight up ridiculous as a lot of the time you can't even use what you paid for. :(

Vulcan Hades

Ok so IniquityDM asked me last night if I could try to write a rough draft of what the petition could look like. Now I've never done this before so bear with me guys lol.

Anyway, this is what I got so far:

MK9 Petition to fix and improve the training mode ver 1.0

1. Request / what's the problem : Training/practice mode is horrible, unpractical, heavily bugged and lacks essential features. This makes it hard for players all skill levels to learn their matchups properly, practice their set ups, test frame advantage, test wake up options, and just get better at the game.

1.1. List of problems encountered (needs to get fixed):

-Playback is often bugged (sometimes plays back recorded input in reverse especially when we modify AI settings before or after recording)
-Can't record vs cpu
-Lacks essential features
-Lacks important information
-(feel free to add more stuff here)

1.2. Suggestions of features (needs to be added):

-Ability to record dummy scenarios like in SSF4
-Making stun and precise damage info viewable via a selectable option
-Making frame data available in the trainer would be much appreciated
-Ability to record ourself fighting vs CPU
-(feel free to add more stuff here)​

2. Consequences of having a terrible training mode: Who knows how many people already dropped this game because they didn't know how to properly punish a special on block. Or didn't know how to deal with a tactic as simple as zoning, pressure, cross-over jump punch or teleport.

Having no way to test it out and explore possible punishment options, they might as well drop MK9 altogether and play a game that does have a way to practice properly.

Further more, lacking a good practice mode inevitably increases the learning curve for everyone (including top players). As a consequence, we witness scrubby players getting exposed at tournaments daily. More salt. More rage quits. Less competition. Less entrants. Less viewers. Less buyers. That's less money for you NRS. (ok this part is kinda fishy I know)

Also, people without means of practicing their favorite character and their most difficult matchups might end up tier whoring to play it safe. What if the reason we only see Kung Lao, Kabal and Reptile in tournament is precisely a direct consequence of having bad trainer? And not because the S tier characters are OP and need nerfs? As you all know, the lack of diversity in character usage in online and offline tournaments can potentially turn off thousands of viewers and gamers in addition to making the game (with your name on it) look bad.

So when you take time to think about it, having a bad training mode makes both NRS and MK9 lose credibility and indirectly makes you lose a big market, fan base, viewers and potential buyers.

3. Reasons / why it needs to be done : MK9 is the best MK game so far. It has outsold Marvel and Portal in its starting weeks. It is a competitive game played by top fighting game players all over the world. If you want all those people to keep playing your games for years to come, buy your next games and take the MK franchise and NRS seriously, you need to treat your most dedicated players with respect. You simply cannot make a competitive fighting game without providing a decent practice mode for players to train and practice their characters and matchups.

4. Support examples : Capcom's SSF4 is your main rival competitive fighter. And they have an excellent bug-free training mode that allows players to record dummy scenarios, see hit stun and exact damage information among other. You don't. I fail to understand how you could not deliver equal or better tools for MK players.

As a professional gaming company, it is your duty to analyze and study the market and competitors to come up with a better product.

5. Why do we believe it's feasible: Capcom greatly improved their replay channel and added new features to SSF4 in a DLC. You've been constantly modifying characters since day 1 and have improved the netcode/online play. We all know it's possible to fix the training mode and add new features. Just like it would be possible to add more challenges in the tower or add more content in the krypt. And we know you will do it if you care at all about your supporting fans.

6. Conclusion: The Mortal Kombat community demands that the training mode gets fixed before more characters, stages, costumes or fatalities are even added to the game.

Because what matters most to us gamers is the actual gameplay. Not the graphics, sound or eye candy. You're asking us to give you our money for bugged DLC characters and bugged klassic costumes while the netcode and game modes are already full of bugs and the training mode is down right garbage. We consider that an insult.

We love you NRS, we love this game and we will buy your DLCs to support you, but only if you support us in return by fixing what needs to be fixed first.

I am an MK player, and I would rather have a solid playable fighter with a strong training mode than a broken, bugged, unplayable game with 20 DLC characters, 100 fatalities and 40 alts.

-Vulcan Hades

Is that alright for a draft? :invisible:

Vulcan Hades

Careful putting words in other people's mouths.
lol don't worry it's just a draft/brainstorm.

Feel free to suggest anything that needs to be changed. Better wording. More arguments. More problems with training mode, more suggestions on what NRS could add etc.

I'm a noob when it comes to writing petitions. :p


El Psy Congroo
Looks good, makes me really sad when I can't record the AI to test how to punish well against certain moves with characters I'm learning.


steals your stuff
6. Conclusion: The Mortal Kombat community demands that the training mode gets fixed before more characters, stages, costumes or fatalities are even added to the game.

Because what matters most to us gamers is the actual gameplay. Not the graphics, sound or eye candy. You're asking us to give you our money for bugged DLC characters and bugged klassic costumes while the netcode and game modes are already full of bugs and the training mode is down right garbage. We consider that an insult.

We love you NRS, we love this game and we will buy your DLCs to support you, but only if you support us in return by fixing what needs to be fixed first.

I am an MK player, and I would rather have a solid playable fighter with a strong training mode than a broken, bugged, unplayable game with 20 DLC characters, 100 fatalities and 40 alts.
This section is a bit harsh. Instead of demanding it gets fixed, you can request NRS puts the same effort into the training room as they have in balancing the game. You don't need to insult the training again. You already called it horrible and terrible. Saying "This is an insult." makes you sound like an enraged fanboy. It's a good write-up where you point out flaws and offer suggestions.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
MK9 Petition to fix and improve the training mode ver 1.0

1. Request / what's the problem : Training/practice mode is unpractical, heavily bugged and lacks essential features. This makes it hard for players all skill levels to learn their matchups properly, practice their set ups, test frame advantage, test wake up options, and just get better at the game.

1.1. List of problems encountered (needs to get fixed):

-Playback is often bugged (sometimes plays back recorded input in reverse especially when we modify AI settings before or after recording)
-Can't record vs cpu
-Lacks essential features
-Lacks important information
-(feel free to add more stuff here)

1.2. Suggestions of features (needs to be added):

-Ability to record dummy scenarios like in SSF4
-Making stun and precise damage info viewable via a selectable option
-Making frame data available in the trainer would be much appreciated
-Ability to record ourself fighting vs CPU
-(feel free to add more stuff here)​

2. Consequences of having a lacking training mode: With the aggressive balancing and patching, we feel a good trainer is a necessity. People become frustrated with constant changes and having no means to actually test new tactics and strategies against said changes.

Further more, lacking a good practice mode inevitably increases the learning curve for everyone (including top players).

Also, people without means of practicing their favorite character and their most difficult matchups might end up playing known characters. What if the reason we only see Kung Lao, Kabal and Reptile in tournament is precisely a direct consequence of having bad trainer? As you all know, the lack of diversity in character usage in online and offline tournaments can potentially turn off thousands of viewers and gamers.

So when you take time to think about it, having a bad training mode makes both NRS and MK9 lose credibility and indirectly makes you lose a big market, fan base, viewers and potential buyers.

3. Reasons / why it needs to be done : MK9 is the best MK game so far. It has outsold Marvel and Portal in its starting weeks. It is a competitive game played by top fighting game players all over the world. If you want all those people to keep playing your games for years to come, buy your next games and take the MK franchise and NRS seriously, you need to treat your most dedicated players with respect. You simply cannot make a competitive fighting game without providing a decent practice mode for players to train and practice their characters and matchups.

4. Support examples : Capcom's SSF4 is your main rival competitive fighter. And they have an excellent bug-free training mode that allows players to record dummy scenarios, see hit stun and exact damage information among other. NRS needs to deliver equal or better tools for MK players.

As a professional gaming company, it is your duty to analyze and study the market and competitors to come up with a better product.

5. Why do we believe it's feasible: Capcom greatly improved their replay channel and added new features to SSF4 in a DLC. You've been constantly modifying characters since day 1 and have improved the netcode/online play. We all know it's possible to fix the training mode and add new features. Just like it would be possible to add more challenges in the tower or add more content in the krypt. And we know you will do it if you care at all about The Mortal Kombat community.

6. Conclusion: The Mortal Kombat community pleads that the training mode gets fixed in order to provide longevity in the Fighting Game community - we want to see MK in tournaments for years to come.

Because what matters most to us gamers is the actual gameplay. Not the graphics, sound or eye candy.

We love you NRS, we love this game and we will buy your DLCs to support you, but only if you support us in return by fixing what needs to be fixed first.


The Mortal Kombat community

-Vulcan Hades

Is that alright for a draft? :invisible:
Just combed over it a little bit, I think it's pretty solid though, need a little more feedback! I wanna get it out by Monday.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Bump for the longevity of the game...c'mon guys, this is actually important as opposed to 90% of the trivial nonsense.


Play Monster Hunter!
The chance of them patching in a non shit training mode is very slim, and if it does happen, it won't be for some time, same with button configs.
It requires a lot of work and can't really be patched in that easily.

If it doesh happen it would have to come with a content patch, maybe sneak it in with some bullshit challenge tower mission as a 10 dollar pack.

Personally I think it will come, in UMK9, in about a year, as a side project well the main team is working on some random ass beat em up with the MK name slapped on it.

Vulcan Hades

Thanks guys. You're right, we don't need to be harsh or anything. Would make the petition look less professional.

@IniquityDM: Newer version looks pretty good so far. :)

The chance of them patching in a non shit training mode is very slim, and if it does happen, it won't be for some time, same with button configs.
It requires a lot of work and can't really be patched in that easily.

If it doesh happen it would have to come with a content patch, maybe sneak it in with some bullshit challenge tower mission as a 10 dollar pack.

Personally I think it will come, in UMK9, in about a year, as a side project well the main team is working on some random ass beat em up with the MK name slapped on it.
I never said it was easy to fix. Just that it's possible to fix. And like I said, I would rather pay 10$ for an awesome training mode than for bugged DLC characters, stages and costumes that make the game desync.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
I agree the training is Sf4 is great, nrs should take some notes. Ive noticed alot of bugs too. Also i dont think they'll show frame data though because alot of it is a mess.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
The chance of them patching in a non shit training mode is very slim, and if it does happen, it won't be for some time, same with button configs.
It requires a lot of work and can't really be patched in that easily.

If it doesh happen it would have to come with a content patch, maybe sneak it in with some bullshit challenge tower mission as a 10 dollar pack.

Personally I think it will come, in UMK9, in about a year, as a side project well the main team is working on some random ass beat em up with the MK name slapped on it.
You may be right about that, but I'd still like some actual clarification by the team. They vacate these forums, but I've heard no mention from them even discussing the topic. Personally, that upsets me. In the long run we're helping them by organizing this petition, I can't honestly blame people for getting discouraged by the game after character changes when they have no feasible way to test new methods against them.

Think of it this way, if I didn't keep up with the game on a monthly basis, I would have no freakin' clue what the hell was going on. There's been such drastic changes in two months...two months. I have never seen this with any game, not even WoW, and Blizzard are the kings of agressive patching.


Play Monster Hunter!
Think of it this way, if I didn't keep up with the game on a monthly basis, I would have no freakin' clue what the hell was going on. There's been such drastic changes in two months...two months. I have never seen this with any game, not even WoW, and Blizzard are the kings of agressive patching.
There were so many changes to the game in two months because it was clearly not done, and they realistically couldn't delay it because of evo, but they were close enough and knew what needed to be changed. Same thing for the online, the online was ridiculouslly terrible and clearly not done, but they managed to salvage it rather quickly because they knew exactly what need to be done to make it work, but didn't have enough time.

There was a lot of stuff that was cut, brutalities, endurance modes, survival, stuff like that, that I totally expect to show up in a UMK9 down the road.


This is a great idea........we need the ability to record the dummy in training mode more than anything......tired of not knowing how to punish all the moves in the game because there is no way to practice it.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
There were so many changes to the game in two months because it was clearly not done, and they realistically couldn't delay it because of evo, but they were close enough and knew what needed to be changed. Same thing for the online, the online was ridiculouslly terrible and clearly not done, but they managed to salvage it rather quickly because they knew exactly what need to be done to make it work, but didn't have enough time.

There was a lot of stuff that was cut, brutalities, endurance modes, survival, stuff like that, that I totally expect to show up in a UMK9 down the road.
This is what I don't understand, from my understanding WB was very lenient with them, they wanted them to put out a quality product. Yes, I can understand the desire to get it out for EVO but why not wait another year? I'm trying not to think "Oh, well it was all about the money, and manipulating competitive players" but it's hard not to think that.

Again, I would really like some actual clarification by a single team member on the subject. If they're intending on making a UMK9 then cool, but I'd like to know.